today starts living her party Wednesday March 3, 2010
Today Tacuarembó start living your party
the festival starts today of Homeland Gaucha, an event that will culminate on Sunday 7.
For three weeks the traditionalist societies are arming their fires in the Laguna of the washers. This year as in previous years, twelve traditionalist societies compete for the "Gran Premio Patria Gaucha". Furthermore, as every year, also involving several companies invited.
As always there great movement and anticipation for the event in the city of Tacuarembó. The hotels are filled with reserves of 100%, no quotas in the Tacuarembó, Plaza, Carlos Gardel and Central. There is also a high demand for vacation homes, from luxurious to $ 4,000 or more per day, up pieces with bath to $ 1,000 per day.
The event will officially begin today at 15:00 hours with the evidence of rein "Santa Josefina." At 19:30 will be the inauguration with the lighting of Stove Tradition in the Square April 19.
Hasta el domingo próximo, el público podrá presenciar las pruebas en el ruedo Héctor “Tata” Umpiérrez y las actuaciones de grupos de folklore en el escenario “Serafín J. García”, donde actuarán entre Jorge Nasser, Los Orilleros, el Gaucho Bataraz, Gustavo Valiente, Hugo Rodríguez y su banda, Larbanois Carrero, Leandro Lovato y Los Olimareños.
Como siempre el predio de la Laguna de las Lavanderas contará con dos camping cerrados, estacionamientos para autos y motos, two restaurants, a bar, selling ice cream, churros, corn, caramel apple pop and there are places selling for 110 artisans will exhibit their items during the party.
ticket prices in the 24 th Party la Patria Gaucha
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: $ 50
Friday: $ 150
Saturday: $ 100
Sunday: $ 80
LINING: Thursday and Friday $ 50
Saturday and Sunday: $ 150
Companies participating Traditionalists:
Ansina tailings, Drums (Paysandu and Tacuarembó) Caraguatá, Batovi - Bonilla, Rein and Boleadora Lanza (San Gregorio), The Refuge of the Gauchos (Bankruptcy Yugoslavia), The Curtina Cooker, Five Willows United Friends (Point Road) , ATRI (Rivera), A Poncho and Spurs (Cerro Largo), Juan E. Gastelú (Paysandu) and Nation and Tradition (Tacuarembó).
Companies Invited:
United Paisanos Achar, Tips Mataojo (Skip), The Thirty-Three of Punta Tres Cruces (Cañas - Tacuarembó) La Pampa (Tacuarembó), A Four Spurs (Tacuarembó), Village Corner (Tacuarembó), the offspring of Bankruptcy Yokes (Tacuarembó) and The Charrúas (Tacuarembó).