Tuesday, October 5, 2010

South Park Movie Itunes


I want to see as a chance to try
your hidden wings, flight

work out in a different and joyful ...

Finally, fly, way

the Jubilee!

paper Desisto Ballast
intend to lighten your load.

I do not give fuel to the disaster: I try not to give shelter
in my soul.

feel I want a love like
known for who you are,
not what you can give me,
that senses your potential, your merits and demerits
your repressions and your insecurities
similar to mine
and yet, improper

two mature women looking for other waves

more in line with their inner beings.

I want to read with your precious, tender

and blue eyes like the first female
you know, in the biblical sense, "
as if the books we love foolishly

define our geometry of Love
back from many things,
show yourself, do not hide.
To you I surrender, do not shun ... And even if unwelcome
my ego, my
something is yours ...
In a self-absorbed passed over his muse ...
Without wishing
started you want. I looked

not and now I just want you to rediscover


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