Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Nightprowler Sa Clip Replacement

"divine punishment?

The punishment is a daily reality. Some punishments are seen as necessary. Others, such as harmful. Are required for justice or vengeance. They are used for deter. Spouses can punish each other in subtle ways and unworthy. To educate children, are punished.

"God punishes, but not sticks," one hears. But does God need to punish? Could it be that we say we do to punish one another with the permission of a divine example? In the Jewish and Christian religious tradition preserved in the Scriptures, repeatedly referred to divine punishment. But, if we accept that the Bible is not a "mixed bag" that anyone takes what suits him, we discover that all that God intends for His creatures is life. Even though God threatens his people with punishment, but these are not the ultimate consequence of human sin. God alone saves. When he announces punishments, is to warn mankind of its own destruction.

The most extraordinary of Jewish Jesus is revealing that their God is love so radical that never punish their children and therefore deserves full confidence. That is why Jesus calls him "Dad." Because he believed in his goodness. For his disciples also trust in Him without fear, taught the "Our Father." San Juan says in other words: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear hath torment; who fears is not made perfect in love. We love, because God first loved " (1 Jn 4: 18-19).

is true that we poor humans, it costs us without punishment. Thus, remembering that God punishes unauthorized unless its name is used to justify the violence of our methods, also to warn the religiosity of the temptation to masochism and finally, we would expect a "heaven" after death. As "hell" if one lives there, is a human creation, not divine. To win the hearts, God has not needed to do us harm.

Christianity responds to evil in the world with more love than words. Jesus staked his life for us to fight against evil. Sharing Jesus believes in the goodness of His Father, prove the Christians that God is trustworthy. Loving like Jesus, enduring solidarity punishment that humans are tipping one another, Christians eradicate violence of history, Jesus, God announces a completely good.

Posted in If I had to raise a child ... to convey ideas humanity, Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Santiago, 2004.


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