On Saturday November 20 was held at the premises of the Hostel San Martin de Porres the XI Meeting on Human Rights, which had the title" crisis, what is being done and what we are doing to overcome it. "
witnessing some forty people. We also attended the General Promoter of Justice and Peace of the Order, Fr Carlos Rodriguez Linera.
After a brief history of Human Rights Meetings Verapaz and the meaning thereof, was read a letter from the President's Action Center Verapaz, Bernardo Cuesta, recovering from an operation. As we commemorated the fifty-one years after the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, a commemorative video was shown. And waiting for the speaker, Arcadi Oliveres i Boadella, traveling from Valencia, other videos were projected on the topic of the meeting. After 11 am began the presentation. Arcadi began with a brief discussion of "crisis." He began by saying that our crisis is not the worst, because there are other more serious global crisis, food crisis and environmental crisis.
The food crisis is far worse than we have here and that takes more lives ahead on the planet. In 2010 and affects thousand and twenty million people. This crisis could be eradicated by a global option "food sovereignty" of countries that suffer from famine: equitable distribution of land, crops needed for food products (cereals: wheat, rice, corn ...) and invest money for irrigation, agricultural training and machinery, for roads, for bank fishing, farms ... This option would mean an annual contribution of $ 50,000 million by the developed countries. In the world's banks have been given 54 times more to overcome the financial crisis. That money would have been higher world hunger for 54 years. But there is no will to do so.
regard to the crisis that affects us more about the economic crisis. This crisis has a root that is financial speculation. It happens because there is no limit to the movement of capital in the world and because there is no authority seeking to cut this speculation. There Nobel prize named James Tobin who suggested establishing a fee for the purchase or sale of financial products, to control more than half of financial speculation. With what would have already won four times more than necessary to curb hunger in the world. But nobody has tried to apply the "Tobin tax" in their countries. And hence the financial bubble and other bubbles that have affected us too, as the housing bubble. The bubbles explode once lead to a deep economic crisis which affects us. No credits, companies do not sell, buyers do not buy, you see the ERE and the unemployed (more than four million in Spain at the moment).
With regard to the unemployed can we give protection (unemployment insurance, pensions at the time) for that number of unemployed? Very difficult. But in Spain it would be possible if fiscal tackle fraud, which according to recent studies of 80,000 million euros a year. Would issue to prosecute those who commit tax fraud and money would create a cover for the unemployed. But there is no desire to pursue tax evasion because they could do are almost always the same as those who have money or need.
So what can we do? For different types of solutions. Of a financial nature "Tobin Tax", eradicating tax evasion, nationalize banks that received public money, that savings banks meet the purpose for which they were created so do not cease to foundations and not speculate. At this point last thing we can do if we have customers on all Caja accusing some directors of Savings frankly immoral. More financial solutions such as: promoting ethical bank (Triodos-Bank, Fiare) and unions, destruction of the euro. The euro is perverted to serve the capital. We can not keep a coin a number of countries that differ radically in their tax system, public deficits on interest rates, the solvency of their companies, the unemployment figure. Answers
labor. The financial crisis but has economic conclusions. One of them is work. Unemployment is only one solution: divide up among all the existing work, or work a little less so that others can work. This is what government can do, or what we can do or can do business. Also lower the salary brackets are in business.
Other: solidarity organizations, and responsible consumption decrease (produce less and consume less), getting rid of military spending. The world spends on military spending 1500 billion dollars a year, or 30 times more than what is needed to alleviate world hunger. Finally: do pay for the damage of this crisis on immigrants, who have no guilt.
After a coffee break there were some interventions that we were invited to be well-informed as Arcadi, of what happens and pass by every means at our disposal. They also discussed the need for ongoing membership of the paper proposals. Continue the meeting after a fraternal meal provided by the Hostel San Martin de Porres, and that room discussing possible topics for the next meeting would be in the same venue on November 26, 2011. Some issues raised were: responsible consumption, military spending and taxation. We ended the meeting
when they were almost 5 in the afternoon.
After a brief history of Human Rights Meetings Verapaz and the meaning thereof, was read a letter from the President's Action Center Verapaz, Bernardo Cuesta, recovering from an operation. As we commemorated the fifty-one years after the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, a commemorative video was shown. And waiting for the speaker, Arcadi Oliveres i Boadella, traveling from Valencia, other videos were projected on the topic of the meeting. After 11 am began the presentation. Arcadi began with a brief discussion of "crisis." He began by saying that our crisis is not the worst, because there are other more serious global crisis, food crisis and environmental crisis.
The food crisis is far worse than we have here and that takes more lives ahead on the planet. In 2010 and affects thousand and twenty million people. This crisis could be eradicated by a global option "food sovereignty" of countries that suffer from famine: equitable distribution of land, crops needed for food products (cereals: wheat, rice, corn ...) and invest money for irrigation, agricultural training and machinery, for roads, for bank fishing, farms ... This option would mean an annual contribution of $ 50,000 million by the developed countries. In the world's banks have been given 54 times more to overcome the financial crisis. That money would have been higher world hunger for 54 years. But there is no will to do so.
regard to the crisis that affects us more about the economic crisis. This crisis has a root that is financial speculation. It happens because there is no limit to the movement of capital in the world and because there is no authority seeking to cut this speculation. There Nobel prize named James Tobin who suggested establishing a fee for the purchase or sale of financial products, to control more than half of financial speculation. With what would have already won four times more than necessary to curb hunger in the world. But nobody has tried to apply the "Tobin tax" in their countries. And hence the financial bubble and other bubbles that have affected us too, as the housing bubble. The bubbles explode once lead to a deep economic crisis which affects us. No credits, companies do not sell, buyers do not buy, you see the ERE and the unemployed (more than four million in Spain at the moment).
With regard to the unemployed can we give protection (unemployment insurance, pensions at the time) for that number of unemployed? Very difficult. But in Spain it would be possible if fiscal tackle fraud, which according to recent studies of 80,000 million euros a year. Would issue to prosecute those who commit tax fraud and money would create a cover for the unemployed. But there is no desire to pursue tax evasion because they could do are almost always the same as those who have money or need.
So what can we do? For different types of solutions. Of a financial nature "Tobin Tax", eradicating tax evasion, nationalize banks that received public money, that savings banks meet the purpose for which they were created so do not cease to foundations and not speculate. At this point last thing we can do if we have customers on all Caja accusing some directors of Savings frankly immoral. More financial solutions such as: promoting ethical bank (Triodos-Bank, Fiare) and unions, destruction of the euro. The euro is perverted to serve the capital. We can not keep a coin a number of countries that differ radically in their tax system, public deficits on interest rates, the solvency of their companies, the unemployment figure. Answers
labor. The financial crisis but has economic conclusions. One of them is work. Unemployment is only one solution: divide up among all the existing work, or work a little less so that others can work. This is what government can do, or what we can do or can do business. Also lower the salary brackets are in business.
Other: solidarity organizations, and responsible consumption decrease (produce less and consume less), getting rid of military spending. The world spends on military spending 1500 billion dollars a year, or 30 times more than what is needed to alleviate world hunger. Finally: do pay for the damage of this crisis on immigrants, who have no guilt.
After a coffee break there were some interventions that we were invited to be well-informed as Arcadi, of what happens and pass by every means at our disposal. They also discussed the need for ongoing membership of the paper proposals. Continue the meeting after a fraternal meal provided by the Hostel San Martin de Porres, and that room discussing possible topics for the next meeting would be in the same venue on November 26, 2011. Some issues raised were: responsible consumption, military spending and taxation. We ended the meeting
when they were almost 5 in the afternoon.
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