Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Provision A Sailboat With Food

SIXTY-NINE, nearly seventy

Andrius Kovelinas

Thanks to this virtual network
met you.
I was a magnet
the ideogram "Ka"
and enigmatic concept, tight and uncertain
Destiny ...

called to account
disadvantages, relocated

approaches, and defer

the usual family gatherings and
preclude customary.

improvise a
of September 11th two thousand and ten
absolutely insuperable

doing nothing special,
concentrating on it, and pouring

expanding them without complexes and largesse

our potential
from our
deeper levels.

deli lover and not always
French champagne, poured and tasted

my corporeal body shuddered

Experimenter ... brave, bold
female feet on the ground but off the plate
, compassionate

generous without limit, delay and delay ...
performer thousand varieties
renewal of sixty nine, seventy

reaching almost sublime and

suspension ... I wonder of your fancy stuff
waving and quieted my world. Our World ...

I admire your ways,
your culture, your work,
your rest, your breathing, your measurements
your surrender and your opening
your delivery, your inaction, your moans without delay
your perception and your pace, your focus
insightful, sharp
your speech, your wisdom
your courage without borders, your touch

of matriarch full sincere and serious ... my spiral

Lady and my areas.


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