Laboritario Open
Espacio Fundación Telefónica
bring your FM radio receiver and join the circuit.
103.9 MHz
" Radio-Dromo ......... is an interactive installation developed by bazaar. Different radio waves distributed in space and issued on the same frequency. They use different radio transmitters that form a wave circuit competing to expand, in a dynamic manner and within the limits of its own scope and / or proximity of another emission source ....
The project's first objective is to generate a perception of the behavior of waves in space. Make palpable the areas of influence of each source. There is a physical-spatial aspect in constant tension. Emissions compete, they push, they dominate vanish. They have strength, visibility, escape and take refuge ...
The work suggests an alteration of the communication circuit, through a new perspective or appreciation, and the interesting thing is not what can be transmitted (music, speech), but the plasticity of the elusive, how that transmission is possible, how is alterable or perceived, variable, unique, and what are the hidden possibilities or ways that can allow frequency circuit in time and space ... "
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