Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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CC Walsh Project: Slaughter real-time operating radio

Walsh Project is a reading of Slaughter Operation through social networks like Facebook and Twitter, and sites like Google Maps. Its author, Alvaro Liuzzi (Graduate School of Journalism and Communication at the UNLP, teaching and research it), going up paragraphs of the book in real time, with the different stages of research, adopting a first person apocryphal: the Walsh himself. "From the beginning of the project was intended to honor the work of this great journalist and writer, redefine and making available to users another look libro.Todo on what the user reads the project today is consistent with what was happening in the investigation during 1956 and 1957, so I speak of history in real time, "Alvarado told Journal Argentine Time. Work also involved Berghella Vanina journalist and graphic designer Romina Vázquez.

(Walsh To assemble Project) I read the book again, putting the focus on paragraphs, places and names to go to use those data in the project. Thanks to this opening lines of work were to be linking all that information in different digital platforms. "

- How is the link between the digital tools you used and its specific role for every aspect of the investigation?
-La is perhaps paradigmatic tool Twitter, because that is what gives the floor to Walsh. While there's a fictional side of the project, most of the texts published in Twitter are pieces written on Operation Rudolph Slaughter or opinions I read short biographies signed by him. We also use Google Maps, where geo all scenarios (and excerpts from the book) where he developed Operation Slaughter. Twitpic, as an album of images where Rodolfo collects photographs taken during the investigation. Dipty hosts a timeline that contains everything done by Walsh in 1956 and 1957. And Facebook as a platform to report on progress of the project.

- Why did you decide to review the work of Walsh from new technologies?
"In times when journalism was much talk of" multimedia "imagine Walsh as a forerunner in this regard. Slaughter operation is so brilliantly written that no one reads it, he lives through many ways. I always say that Walsh made the research clandestine executions of José León Suárez work adaptable to any platform, as a result of a lucid and compelling narrative.

Source: Journal
Tiempo Argentino
Walsh Project Twitter: www.twitter.com / rodolfowalsh


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