Saturday, April 8, 2006
Thursday, April 6, 2006
What Are Some Stores Like Bcbg?
Their tiny hands, his thinning hair, no make celestial show its divine origin. She looks and enough. The Virgin sensed the vulnerability of Jesus is the most genuine expression of their importance. Other signs detract us from the only God who does not dread man. God is love! Love us like, shrinking distances. Captive Love attracts, promises and compromises, but never intimidated. Mary amazes exactly what destabilizes the powerful: it overcomes impotence convincing. "What to do with it? How to educate?".
not walk. Do not understand. Neither can speak. Let alone think. No one can communicate this concern that has been born, a kind of anguish in the trachea to unite heaven and earth. The child does not do theater. If he cries, is crying. Upset because she mob that was coming into his own, not be understood. I can not say, but I feel it. We breathe in an atmosphere that condones murder of the innocent. Never heard of victims, but from today they share their fate. Mary and Joseph will still have to teach the words, how much they weigh the words, how to join them, when to lead straight to the heart of people. Full conformity of the actions of Jesus with his words, success will depend on the Word of God.
Thus, human, and the child is our savior. Some old go and returned. Of an infant, son of a small-town must not know or write your name, better not wishful thinking. Old ones come and stay: cherished, caressed, nursing, Jesus exempts from religious obsessive filled vain glory. The child quenches the hope of the Lord's poor.
"What to do with it?" Asks the mother again. What should be done to educate the love that moves? How to do it without disturbing its originality? Delicate task!
Mary's decision
The Virgin makes a decision: "I will make Jesus a man." If child was born, Mary would have tried the same thing. Know that this decision will cost you face. If the child comes to deploying the mystery of his humanity, a sword shall pierce the soul of the mother. To this day a full man, in fact, not born. There have been, yes, sketches, essays best and worst human. Some have anticipated some of the very freedom of Jesus before his birth, others, envious of your neighbor, long-term will have an impact on the generation of Pharisees and Sadducees who get removed. Mary accepts the consequences. As early, the love that Jesus waves his mother free from the fear of losing it. I lost! Because Mary is the mother and daughter of the freedom of Jesus.
The vocation of Jesus to love this world and no one has ever done, this is what we must guard. With the help of Joseph, Mary will tell you the story of the liberation of his people from slavery in Egypt, initiated in the rites of salvation updated of Yahweh in the present, will be forced to memorize the basic tenets of the Alliance, and will train to recognize the voice of the Spirit that will allow you to interpret. To prove that the Creator of the universe is not repeated, the child must learn to creatively inherit the religious tradition of his people. None of fundamentalism! Religious tradition of Israel helps Jesus to discern the will of his Father in ever-changing events of history. A mother who does not record the earthquake infinite newborn, you can not demand respect his conscience, educate their imagination: to be loved more than herself. It would be understandable that a mother as well is resigned to match it to the rest, to be identical to the other children, one normal and nothing else. Mary that it has noticed that his son is the Son of the Most High, who believes in Jesus and magnify the God who is asked again and again: "How to make Jesus a unique man, a free man, a man who loves ?. "
Son of God and Son of Pain
How empecatado do in this world? How many temptations! Everything will depend on his father, decides it. Renouncing, taught to look to God and let him look at Mary intends to ensure the main thing. If God is love, the child will have to rely Father absolutely and want only their will. If God loves you, your child should not head down to anyone. Nor would, therefore, be required of the other bows, favors servile and privileged treatment. No fear should make it back. The tricks with which they thrive or get out of step, if not necessary. The miracles that will make the sick and oppressed of a nation as impoverished as his own, believe that the kingdom of God has come. Do not move a finger to save his own skin. The Virgin will teach you to pray, God joined man learns to laugh, to give with joy, to play with others but without the marked cards. One thing
that your Father can not write: human suffering. Mary takes as its task to convey to your child's irreplaceable ancient suffering of the poor in Israel. We will carefully so as not to break it, while reminding the sheer goodness of God with the humble. For Jesus to be a man, his mother is preparing to teach a subject. The child is flesh of his flesh. Will teach you to listen. Your ears will hear the greatest punishment. Will teach you to watch. He spent his eyes, tears for the unfortunate what enceguecerán. Suffering, the child will learn to love free rein, indifferent to the threats, incorruptible to any settlement with the mighty. If Mary did not endow his son of his own sensibility, our tears do not reach God. Thanks to Mary Jesus will cry our tears.
and more. In the handmaid of the Lord Jesus recognize the lesson of his own dominion. The secret of the Virgin, because of its maximum possible defamation, prepare for Jesus to endure than his own, relatives and countrymen, to speak ill of him. Man bites true infamy! Mary will talk to the Servant of Isaiah ... Loading the ineptitude of those who will take your life, victim of a blunder that handed down from generation to generation, Jesus has to give his life for themselves. No one is more free man instead of hating love, forgiving rather than revenge. Exonerating his enemies, Jesus will save us from doom to heal the wounds of them blaming the neighbor or anyone else.
What will the mother to prepare the child to the supreme test? One day Jesus will know more loneliness, abandonment of God. The escape of the friends, the betrayal of that seemed fair ... nothing compares to the feeling that God gives us back just when we need it. After devoting his life to preach to the poor and the sinners that God be trusted, Jesus, in the eyes of the poor and sinful crowd, will get no mercy even for himself. How much pain will have to endure this man! At Golgotha \u200b\u200bGod will do nothing. But Mary, who lives by his faith, which has no known only consolation for the Lord Jesus shall transmit to the ability to stand before God and trust His love, even if it transpires that the devil can do more. Mary infect her child the faith that the child needs to believe that God believes in him and he loves his life against all appearances.
shared love for life
No pedagogy of suffering will, however, if the child comes to love creation in all its expressions. Suffering for suffering is absurd. The Lady loves life. She, like God, like Jesus' life and not death. The rocks, clouds, the crops ... your child will require meticulous attention. Mary taught Jesus how the lambs are born, Joseph will explain how to cut the bricks. The music, dancing, wine and the smell of warm bread should rejoice to Jesus as any Jew of his time. Between them educate their feelings, instill in him a deep appreciation for marriage and family life. A man who loves the creation and enjoy its beauty, hopes that the others also enjoy and thank God for it. Jesus will give his life for others to obtain abundant life and share it generously.
For the beauty of the earth happy children and the elderly, friends and enemies, so that no poor person is left out of the goodness of creation, remember that one day Christ entered the darkness of death for another day Mary gave birth to the Savior.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
21st Birthday Event Name
course tell new things! Considered routine appalling that devours us, something the Evangelists never forgive: his bad memory and laziness. What would have cost us know how it was Jesus, the color of his eyes, his eyes, who taught him to read, when he learned make love, where. Jesus is pure novelty, inspiration perennial, any information we would have refreshed his life ... Although who knows little or much we know we usually encode. No. No delirious
authors of the sacred books to describe the origins of life. Important facts, great, comparable to the creation of the world and the resurrection of Jesus himself. If anyone can explain fully why the alpacas stand or who recruited bees to pollinate orchards, none were to tell us about the virginal conception. Like the beginning of the fifty billion galaxies, similar to how life springs from the other side of death, also the "incarnation" exceeds the human mind. Only the imagination and lots of art can express their tremendous significance. As young children who like to giftwrap almost more than the gifts themselves, these days we also enjoyed the chapters of Luke, Matthew ... a wonderful message wrappers, original and so disconcerting: the Almighty is present between us as a "todomenesteroso" poorly capitalized, a god with a small, fallible, tender, close, unable to scare anyone, eager for that other body that harbors. So, carefully, slowly, sharing our tears, erupts between us love in person.
is God himself who has something to say. First you learn to talk. It's a different God, a human God, the only true, not an idol, a ventriloquist puppet. Jesus has nothing to teach while his mother taught him to talk. For now, all is silence ... Lie! And speech. How to rule the way of the message content? This delicate and lengthy preamble, that conversation heart to heart, forbid, the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary is now already substantial, extraordinary novelty among so many interests that prevail disguising of reasons. Jesus, the divine Word child shines in the darkness of so many words addled.
The authority collects child: cries of hunger, like the heat, feels the love ... guess their courses. The child will have something to say, still do not know why. When the pain of poor Galileans you twist the heart, balbucirá: "No". Having borne the pain of women and sick, military and wealthy, oppressed and excluded for breach of Jewish law, will rebel against the religion of his time. A man, a God! who rebels against religion. This boy will open a new path. Act in conscience know the lonely, the enemies ... Its basic charter is mercy. After him, nobody will true "authority" rather than due to love and to amend the law according to the demands of charity. This is freedom, the supreme gift of the Spirit! For our freedom bet your life. Until birth, the world has lived under threat of sticks, jaws and exile, condemned to fear and death. Bethlehem on, freedom is not a concession by the powerful, but the origin of all standards and to all behavior. Since then it is possible the ethics of mercy, therefore we can not imagine.
Come, Lord Jesus! Bring creativity in bulk, the creativity of your parables and poetry of your comparisons. Changes! We changes, many changes! If we were able to abolish slavery, which seemed so natural, do not we invent ingenious solutions for those who fail in their marriage? I say forgive but not forget. Shame! Give us faith to believe we do forgive. Believe with us that order of forgiveness that we outline in the dark. Dissipated sclerosis of the soul, flexibilízanos. Us out once and for all of the Middle Ages.
Come, Lord Jesus! There is so much violence in our media! Not even necessary to come to our stadiums. Woe to write against capitalism! If even the politicians are left to quiet dissent. Instead the Pope's sentiments are invoked as arguments of reason. If you use to you, how we will not do with the Pope! Appearance of communication, simulation of paternity, manipulation of public opinion, this is what's left. Social distortions abound. Lack open debate, respectful, right to be wrong and to rectify ... It is necessary to your love of truth, miss you, you speak directly, without loopholes, dialogue, vulnerable to the penalties of others, open to change their minds. Blessed
evangelists! His Christmas stories of God's creativity rescue threatened more than ever. How otherwise would have known that Jesus is the sweetest word of mercy that the miserable human history? Life is getting too heavy, we see little lights. Work too, enjoyed less and less. Two things I ask again: mercy and inventing new ideas for mercy. A third thing for me and that's enough, bring us fancy, that is not enough neither reason nor force. Fantasy want. You have it, you the are. I hope, sir!
I Cant Remove My Earrings
is difficult to say what be a family "ideal", but a good idea to help the family search, find, and, indeed, to enjoy so many benefits that it provides. But the family has changed much throughout history. Sometimes it might be the tribe. Further, a FAMILION including cousins, uncles and grandparents. Now finally it seems legitimate to exclude the elderly. The changes you envision for the near future are troubling. In the immediate view things close in the family noticed that there are problems: discord between spouses, violence to children, a teenage drug addict, an unmarried pregnant, lost her husband, mother stressed, more than one sexual abuse, etc. . The roles change. A woman usually makes pater familias of a considerable group of people. Many who live in solitude, however, consider their animals family ... How long does a family? How do you consider the separated and remarried or who never married and living together? Although it is said that these irregularities are not "family", including the holy family to open another opportunity.
The Holy Family had a beginning and an end dramatic critic. Let us remember. God made things difficult to ask Mary to be virgin mother of Jesus. The punishment for a bride was left waiting for another man was stoned to death. Mary took a chance. Before taking a wife, Joseph was able to report it, was his right, who knows if she wanted to do. The delivery was to the poor. The early years were spent in exile. Tradition says that Joseph died soon after. The family was cut short. Possibly the Virgin and child relatives left to live with other relatives, cornered, asking permission and forgiveness for every breath. Finally, Jesus himself, the light from the eyes of Mary and hope for liberation of his people, died on death row with the worst of punishments. At the foot of the cross, the Virgin looked at the ultimate failure of his family. Mary knew firsthand what it means to lose everything, husband and son. The Holy Family
shared the fate of our families, including the fate of the families hardest hit. But something was very different. In it God prevailed from start to finish. For the predominant faith of Mary Mary. For justice to prevail in José José. For the full time of Jesus to his Father, never before nor after the love of God was so close at hand. But it was through the failure of the holy family, and incredibly, we learned from the familiarity of God with humanity. The day Jesus said to Mary, saying from the cross to his young disciple, "Woman, behold your son" and John: "Behold your mother", the Church outperformed as a new human family. Understood then the other disciples, many of whom had left parents, wives and children for the kingdom, that they also had to the Virgin Mother and Jesus' Abba, Father, and that their mission was nothing to announce to the world their deeper brotherhood. The Church represents the superiority of the human family on the family blood. The Church is the humanity that puts into practice the vocation of every community, large as the entire human or a small pine beggars, but not start again from scratch, but with which we are, by welcoming and forgiveness .
For those who have had a most unusual family normal, for broken families and broken for his family, the Church is the Gospel since Christmas day, the best news. With what remained of the holy family, Mary and son died in his arms, God began again. At Pentecost, the outpouring of the Spirit of the risen Jesus on the Apostles gathered with Mary again, God opened the Church to extend his paternity to all races of the earth. Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamians, Jews and Cappadocian, inhabitants of Pontus, Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia in Egypt, came from Libya, visitors from Rome, Cretans and Arabs, were invited to join the community Rising, the new holy family, open to all, beginning with the poor, the favorite of the kingdom. This was and this is the Gospel good news also for outsiders. The Church proclaims the Gospel when it found a home they have never been homeless or lost, the widows, orphans, single, seasonal, the "nanas", relatives, divorced, exiles, immigrants and refugees arrive alone or holding hands, with or without papers a day, thinking hopefully or at least wanting to believe that God is Father and even Mother.
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hand I have three cases promising. Among the buses de la Alameda saw a Peruvian street vendor with a hat that said "Chile." What the! But What? Was he trying to gain sympathy for their clients? Is it protected against possible attacks? May be another Chilean sincerely wanted more. Why not?
A better case is that of so many nannies who have left Peru to come to care for children in Chile. Several objections could be made to the moral quality of these jobs, but what matters here is the family life and often love between these children and their nannies. This really is an! Take care: to save their children from poverty, a woman leaves her homeland to an unknown party, sometimes hostile, to educate other people's children. Our eyes tell us that a superficial Peruvian and humble woman can not teach our children more than oddities. Our deep eye, however, that no one can see better educate these children and a nanny, because there are more important than learning of love and women and teach them to love with the purest example of his immense sacrifice.
For the third case I turn to fiction: how not to imagine that this Christmas a child is born the son of Peruvian and Chilean, or vice versa? No wonder that loneliness, harassment or true love bring to light this year new mestizos, like Jesus Galilean half and half Jewish. If this happens, there will be no better symbol of a hybrid nationality like ours that a child, a Chilean-Peruvian girl. Hopefully the union of the races express the love between races and love is the only force of cultural exchange between the two peoples. It would be preferable
this Christmas rather than be blown away by buying high-priced gifts, we could enjoy the gifts that are priceless. The child who visits us is not for sale: he gives us. Take it or Leave it. Note, though, that Jesus was born shortly after he and his parents were refugees in Egypt. Did you look José subcontracted work there in the restoration of a pyramid? Were you prepared Mary Jesus raising at times, used mainly to feed and change buses in Egypt? It is not required to be moved by the story of the son of a carpenter. But there is no reason to remember, relent, let alone to believe in him, if not to open our hearts to Christ these days come to meet us in a Korean, an Ecuadorian or a Peruvian.
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Amid all this hard work, Christmas can touch us, can rozarnos, scenery can be just to worship the "god" who actually consumes all of our forces. What? Each one must examine what is most important in your life: money, work, fame, family, health, sex, music, a dog ... a person or persons by name. But Christmas can also be the opportunity and honor to his knees to thank God that these and other things. And in the toughest cases, a privileged moment to open their hearts and say, "I no more", "could not stand the loneliness," "why me" ...
The birth of Jesus reminds us that Life is not a "right" but a gift. As much as we fight, we can never get far from certain, final, is valuable because we are not free. The richest, those who think saints may kick against this "divine injustice, but God is not stingy or corrupt. The God of Jesus is the God of the poor. He is the God that Christmas comes to hear cries of those who suffer most, of those who failed in marriage, at school, at work. For them, rather than one, Emmanuel represents hope.
Jesus, son of a small-town and a carpenter, omnipotent threat to Herod. The child does not talk, think, depends on all of Mary and Joseph, but in his heart and dreams of a world upside down. A world in which judges do justice to the children of the street, where freedom of expression trumps the owners of the press, in which workers are restored to the fact that robs them of the market. Revolutionize churches the world when these lunatics, drugs, rubbish, AIDS patients and "end of the course" are at the top, think and weigh in decisions that affect them. The Herodians tremble. For these, a world that favors those who deserve nothing is an intolerable threat.
it worth hectic December 1? If this month is equivalent to a "final", what is our team? Christmas forces us to define ourselves. On the field or from the galleries, we play on the side of the world who have earned the new Herodians or the reverse side of the world that Jesus gives us.
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The other side of this thinking, however, has subtly to conclude something very serious: the winners are good and bad losers. That is why many believe that infection with the rich, healthy and all those smiles that life can benefit them and approach them and flatter. On the contrary, is so common suspicion of the poor and avoid contact, if they are poor is that they are lazy. In Chile it is still of some victims said "something be done."
Christianity teaches that this logic is wrong. On the cross God was a man who was sentenced to death, looked guilty, but was innocent. If God is identified with Jesus, as Jesus is identified with the losers, the logic breaks another logic behind this disdain for the guilty and veneration for the righteous. The logic of the God of Jesus, is selfless love. Do you understand? Not easily. The mean those that are loved and forgiven by the followers of Jesus, when the eyes of society they seem guilty of his pint of losers.
will say that the resurrection was the reward of the righteous. Yes, if we understand that God rewards Jesus with new life, but in the cross does not punish him or it to those who have crucified. God does not need to condemn some to save others. God can so no one can: to die for sinners and rise again for the innocent. To offer God's forgiveness to sinners Jesus shares the ultimate consequence of sin, death. To vindicate the innocent victims of sin, God raised up Jesus justice for the wrongfully executed. Very different from what is commonly thought, God loves sinners innocent. God knows no punishment. Love, and nothing else.
Does the same then behave well or badly? No way. If the cross, God offered forgiveness to those who landed in her innocent Son that He will not damage would be discharged in a guilty, gain eternal life those who are compassionate toward sinners as He is merciful with them. In contrast, those who are determined to depart from sinners and judge, condemn themselves, because they themselves refuse to enter the circuit of the compassion of God. Hell is a human invention, not divine. God has created just the sky. To love and forgive, God does not need our kindness and you crucify a man. If God wants to save humanity is saved extending the magnanimity of his love with others, but also with himself. If God loves those who do not deserve to be loved, the mission of Christians is to invent a world upside down, a world fit for everyone, not just some. Not authentically Christian holiness is the impeccable, but in mercy. Divine justice does not make irrelevant the human quest for justice, but to fit it in mercy, trains to rescue the poor rather than discard them. Published
If I had to raise a child ... to convey ideas humanity, Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Santiago, 2004.
Crossed Swords Over Palm Tree
They do not because they like the story and enjoy the heroic stories. Nor does it linger on the suffering of Jesus or because suffering and seeing them be of comfort. The difference in this story with other history, is that what happened to Jesus in the past somehow still happening in the present. It is not the same thing that Christians remember Jesus makes memories that anyone can make Gandhi, Socrates and Arturo Prat. Christians remember the way of the cross because they believe that the crucified risen and lives.
Christians follow Jesus in his passion to share in his resurrection. How can we understand something? They expect eternal life beyond death, and now living under the same love that has conquered death. If the cross Jesus led to the end the love of God for each one of us, including our enemies, the Christians overcome death as let themselves be loved by God, forgive those who offend and are working to overcome all enmity. Christian salvation and creates a new life in this history of ours, which normally prevails mistrust and fear of others, defense against the other and selfishness. The resurrection of Jesus is recognizable where there is a new way of life characterized by mutual trust between men hope in the future despite any difficulties and love for those who do not seem to deserve to be loved: the despised and those who more we have offended. This is new of Jesus that Christians remember and relive Easter novelty that breaks the well known story of the "eye for eye, tooth for tooth," the story of resentment and revenge.
But the passion and resurrection of Christ does not concern only Christians. The so-called Paschal Mystery of Jesus, the Church believes has cosmic scope. If the Incarnation of the Son of God we know nothing human is alien to God, that God is in solidarity with humanity to the ultimate consequences, the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ we know that where there is a man, a woman who suffers, suffering Christ, that where a woman, a man asks for forgiveness, but Christ that drives reconciliation. The entire cosmos is christified. Also in the Buddhists, Muslims, atheists and those who have never heard of Nazareth or Jerusalem, it is Christ who suffers from a cross when either hungry and Christ is resurrected when a neighbor who feeds them. Attentive to the needs of the poor, the bishops have to shake your campaign for women heads of household with enormous sacrifices "for the pot" every day. No need to find out whether she has made mistakes in his life, whether Catholic or evangelical. If the crucified Christ, the propaganda says, "it too."
Easter Christians make him the pain of Christ for the world Christ suffered and ask yourself what they can do to lower the cross. In each of the masses of Christians thank God because Jesus continues to fight for justice and peace in the world, and her prayer and action are added to your cause. Published
If I had to raise a child ... to convey ideas humanity, Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Santiago, 2004.
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
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"God punishes, but not sticks," one hears. But does God need to punish? Could it be that we say we do to punish one another with the permission of a divine example? In the Jewish and Christian religious tradition preserved in the Scriptures, repeatedly referred to divine punishment. But, if we accept that the Bible is not a "mixed bag" that anyone takes what suits him, we discover that all that God intends for His creatures is life. Even though God threatens his people with punishment, but these are not the ultimate consequence of human sin. God alone saves. When he announces punishments, is to warn mankind of its own destruction.
The most extraordinary of Jewish Jesus is revealing that their God is love so radical that never punish their children and therefore deserves full confidence. That is why Jesus calls him "Dad." Because he believed in his goodness. For his disciples also trust in Him without fear, taught the "Our Father." San Juan says in other words: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear hath torment; who fears is not made perfect in love. We love, because God first loved " (1 Jn 4: 18-19).
is true that we poor humans, it costs us without punishment. Thus, remembering that God punishes unauthorized unless its name is used to justify the violence of our methods, also to warn the religiosity of the temptation to masochism and finally, we would expect a "heaven" after death. As "hell" if one lives there, is a human creation, not divine. To win the hearts, God has not needed to do us harm.
Christianity responds to evil in the world with more love than words. Jesus staked his life for us to fight against evil. Sharing Jesus believes in the goodness of His Father, prove the Christians that God is trustworthy. Loving like Jesus, enduring solidarity punishment that humans are tipping one another, Christians eradicate violence of history, Jesus, God announces a completely good.
Posted in If I had to raise a child ... to convey ideas humanity, Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Santiago, 2004.
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Anyone interested should first do the math. If we could remember only the good times, it certainly would not be the same. In the future, unable to understand the suffering of others, his sentence would seem stupid. Would believe that they deserve what they suffer. The blame of their torment. And so, judging would increase their misery, which would prevent the misfortune to touch us.
But also without such traumatic events our identity would be unreal. There is nothing more than our history of suffering that we can only have in private, without trouble and not to anyone. Was not at the time of pain we had the impression of being different from others? "Why me?", Said, "Why now? Why this way? ". We feel alone. We learned only in the world. The pleasure, love does not have chiseled our "I" rather than frustration, failure and impotence of not being loved as I wanted. A man, a woman with no memory of his passion, would be about eternal tourists on earth. Its existence would seem to show a kind of unreality: scenery, drama dumb, fake laughter, applause
false ... But how can we judge people who, having suffered much in his life, decided to take a pill to forget their pain? No way. Never judge! But these same people would probably be the least interested in taking it, because she knows that her passion is exactly what would have to say. These people, our knowledge, contribute to our life in society share raw truth betrays us and heals us at the same time. No one as they develop a fine sense of smell to detect the woman lying, the new rich, the preacher who speaks without saying anything ... no memory of the victims of an advanced society without direction.
Jesus would not have ever taken the pill of forgetfulness. " Had they done so would have to represent disabled victims before God. Jesus' followers have taken it either. For sharing the pain of others, loving with the love of Jesus, Christians prove the impossible: that God is not apathetic, that God does not give the same passion in the world.
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These lines are not intended to discourage anyone. Nor are directly related to the Chilean reality. His intention, rather, is to ponder the possibility of an adult hope, based on the mystery of the failure of Jesus Christ. That failure is a useless fact, the pain may seem irrational, are truths that need no proof. The challenge is to bring a good from evil, not justify evil.
Our failure is not necessary to have faith to realize that falls sometimes teach. The pure human wisdom suggests that the failure to be useful, must be allowed to hurt us and call it by name. Without acknowledgment, if not we question our order of life achieved, not going nowhere.
admit that we are not so good, that inspire fear of thrushes, which necessarily someone supports our plans, our charity, is healthy and doing well. Hopefully some husbands recognize that, in fact, their wives are not as happy as they warn. Should not the woman to hold cease-century energy and organization, and confessed that between work, spouse, children and traffic, your home is a grime? Do not we pity the clergy that we always right? Young people know these things and you miss who to believe.
to accept his own defeat, it is imperative to warn the misfortune of a neighbor. How pitiful is not paying attention to the sorrows of others! Causes and not see them, can be hazardous, explosive. It is a mistake for the uptown Santiago waterproof their contacts with the rest of the population, marking odious social differences. How can charity Hogar de Cristo integrate society the poor are marginalized themselves with contempt? How well did Chile realize that the transition to democracy was not finished! Perhaps you can now complete: the problems uncovered, with reason, not force.
In either case, nothing can be more healthy love himself, despite himself. It is not give in to the defects. While the false idealism urges the elimination of errors in the bud and before long, the genuine idealism is patient, waiting for the triumph of love, proceeds with imperfections but no rename. Jesus made this way. Throughout its history with us the Son of God was presented to our failure, appropriated for himself and suffered till the end to get rid of the fear of error and encourage us to return good for evil.
The failure of Jesus
The failure of Jesus was not useless, but it's hard not to believe or explain. Still, no shortage of easy explanations dissolve the pain in his resurrection, minimizing their suffering, trivializing the terrible feeling of having been abandoned by his Father. The Jesus of the glory, of course, would carry forever the marks of the nails.
How was this failure? Their project, the government of the goodness of God proclaimed to the poor and marginalized as sinners, exasperated the religious and political system of his time. Jesus was killed which, in this and every time, mystify and manage human sacrifice in the name of God, the defense or the development of the country. "It's better to die one," said Caiaphas, to the whole nation perish. " But Jesus simply took his life, he gave, he endorsed the fate of all men and women forced to have outside projects, as well, without imposing their own project, sacrificing his life to the arrival of the Kingdom of God instead of sacrificing others for their achievement, would prevail. There are three responsibilities that determine who attend as causes of the cross, because there are causes in the same direction: the giving of Jesus for men is the cruelty of sin, the voluntary surrender of Jesus represents the opposite, the spirit of forgiveness friends and enemies, the gift which the Father makes his son is the love of God beyond all representation rational. Rising from the death of Jesus, the God of the victims, the poor and sinners once again exercised his famous clemency and could prove that, where appropriate, the delivery of Jesus was not laziness or treason. Donation was what she loved most, His Son, and the greatest pain.
The eyes of faith deepens intuition of common sense and wisdom. If the prescription gives reasonable wisdom against suffering, for example, "who sings his bad scare, who mourns his bad gets worse," faith commitment to the impossible, does not promise compliance. Faith dares to look face to face on things, to challenge openly annihilating activity. Hope Christian is to believe that love will triumph over all the failures and misfortunes. If the popular saying goes "the pain is pa 'that hurts," the faith ever justify the suffering, but that gives strength to fight it, overcoming the understandable temptation to curse.
Christian faith invites the man to see God Golgotha \u200b\u200bbroken and sympathize with him not so masochistic. Without mystifying their suffering nor their own or others, as well it would recognize an eternity and a manor that does not deserve so high and increasing common evil. Participation in God's pain is the precondition for enjoying your consolation and exaltation. Why? Some day we understand well. God is like. Just participating in the extreme love of Jesus appropriated the cruelty to the limit of his strength, our life will overcome the inveterate superficiality that lurks. Do not know why things are so, but if we do not understand that when the failure God is on our side, and never against us!, That other "god" childish, like a rich uncle, continue perverting with favors and gauchos. In this "god", temperamental and lazy or "god" of the rewards and punishments, it is better not to believe.
In other words, if for failure and pain is not worth justification by faith we can however invest their negativity for the good and praise. The contemplation of the crucified should activate in us the desire of his father to release him from the cross, crucified Him and all of history. Leave the cross to the millions of human beings in our world languish and expire, however, horrified of Jesus executed, not "detainees" disappeared ", is a profound inconsistency. Rather, the love of justice, fairness and even their mere successful efforts to achieve it, are always a cause for celebration.
But this is small and of no use if, in short, do not recognize that any joint action to inscribe in this poor world, draws their power from the Savior's passion. And the Saviour is Jesus, not us. If Jesus were less of a man for being so divine, if he were not a side by side with us, their salvation would sink like that alms to the poor in their marginalization, rather than accompany his effort to rise. But just because Jesus is one with God, all his passion to attain happiness, and through it our own suffering, pain is not useless, but the condition to fight the temptation to institutionalize hope failure and death. Published
Message (1996) No. 447.
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is sensitive about the value of sacrifice. Not for nothing that this word has been discredited. Think of the sacrifice of generations of slaves who made great civilizations, Greece, Rome ... To our modern minds, the most aberrant of sacrifice has been the ritual of human sacrifice to appease God's wrath and gain its benefits. But the world Modern has been more bloody than any archaic religion. Remember the Holocaust of Jews during World War II, Stalin's crimes or the capitalist exploitation. Sacrifice much forced and unfair!
Christianity has also discredited the word sacrifice. All the sufferings that Christians two thousand years have inflicted on others in the name of Christ - so good that a pope to apologize for them!, Hide the meaning of the cross of Jesus. In this long history, it should be noted an especially serious. During the second millennium and to this day, entered the church a very serious distortion of the meaning of the sacrifice of Christ, God as being offended and fair, would have required the death of his son as a punishment for humanity deserved punishment for his sin. In other words, that God would have saved humanity in exchange for a man to be sacrificed. It would be rare for this macabre image of God has served to justify the unjustifiable: the human suffering.
sense of Christ's sacrifice, however, is exactly the opposite. In keeping with its history of dedication to others, the man who sacrificed his life freely on the cross is God himself who, when he loves he loves with everything and not in part, that does not give anything but itself and in full. The sacrifice of Jesus the man rather than God compensate constitutes delivery of God to compensate, to heal and perform for humanity, the most beloved of his creatures. The whole life of Jesus is not nothing but God's comfort for the man or woman who is suffering, forgiveness for their mistakes, healing their illnesses, solidarity with the innocent victims, in a word, extreme love. The punishment that Jesus suffered on Golgotha \u200b\u200bdoes not come from God but of men. That penalty is the ultimate consequence of human evil, not God. God does not punish. God does not need anyone to be punished or sacrificed to save. God is omnipotent, free love. It is humanity that God has needed that sacrifice for her, she cries in place and instead charge that overwhelms the weight. All without expecting anything to change.
God only likes the love of Jesus and where is our love one another as Jesus has loved us. God gives us Jesus, but not a sadist. Jesus gives us life, but it is not a masochist. God enjoys our deliverance from evil and pain. Enjoy whenever we extend the sacrifice of Jesus, sacrificing parents who have children with better education (not face them out in all), offering forgiveness to enemies (which, sorry to offend, can not however restore), giving poor "until it hurts" (as would the Father Hurtado) or just suffer with the suffering.
How far understand the sacrifice of Jesus? I do not know. But Easter Christians remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ crucified: no pain, but the triumph of love over pain, the pain of love that conquers sin.
Posted in Jorge Costadoat Christ for the Fourth Millennium. Seven stories from twenty-one articles , San Pablo, Santiago, 2001, 192pp.
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But inevitably we wonder: how could God want the death of his Son? The only way to get away from the possibility of understanding the cross as a macabre act of the Father is, however, re-take history seriously, having been removed by Jesus to proclaim the kingdom of God to the poor, God has opened this kingdom through the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is very complex to explain the articulation of reason "eternal" with reasons of "historical" of the cross. Any interpretation is exposed to debate. But what is not in dispute is that the worst of the explanations is that which serves to justify human crossings every day and the misery of the world, with the understanding that God would have some secret law to punish or to hurt his children. Views
things "from the story," no doubt that Jesus was crucified for what he said and what he did. Having proclaimed the kingdom of God to the miserable, the possessed, the lame, the blind, lepers, women, have shared the table with people of evil life, tax collectors and prostitutes, was an open provocation to that ensuring the sanctity of the nation, marginalized precisely these that Jesus welcomed, healed and declared blessed (Lk 6, 20). With every gesture, every word that Jesus sought to reintegrate into the community to which the Pharisees and Sadducees considered sinners (they did not meet the hundreds of legal requirements and rituals to observe the law), he played them the power to speak and save on God's name. Always be possible to discuss this or that element of the historical process that led Jesus to death, but certainly their option for the poor should be seen by the "righteous", the rich and the authorities as a danger to religious stability and politics of Israel.
things "from eternity", the death of Jesus is the necessary consequence of the Incarnation of the Son of God in an unjust world (because marginal) and hypocritical (because it uses religion to marginalize). The salvation through the resurrection of Christ God offers to all mankind (1 Tim 2, 4-6) implies and is the ultimate effect of that in Mary not only the Word "became flesh" (Jn 1, 14 ), but more precisely "became poor" (2 Cor 8, 9). Identifying with the victims of sin, in sympathy with humanity tormented before and after him, Jesus has been formed most emerging in this story and definitely eternal life, the principle of rehabilitation for despised by sinners and forgiveness for those considered fair. Who? All but differently: the Father of Jesus did not exclude anyone, but includes the other way around, from the past and not the former. In this perspective prevents revenge understood in terms of Mary's words, "filled the hungry of goods and sent the rich away empty" (Lk 1, 53) and other similar expressions are abundant in the Scriptures.
The Christian life is to reproduce the life of Christ, respond with questions like "What would Christ do for me" (P. Howard). As children from the Father; and return to the Father for the lead of Jesus and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, bringing into play his own humanity by an impoverishment that enriches the other, the Christian witness today in a materialistic and selfish world that his "history" of generosity has a value of "eternal." Jesus revealed that God is love "(1 Jn 4, 8). During Holy Week Christians kiss the cross because they believe that love is divine when relieving human suffering and prevent its justification. So divine, expired, what makes us human with humanity and the poor poorer.
Published in Journal of Spirituality 144 (2004) 15-16.
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As a child I heard and I said "word of man." I remember it was in bad taste promise: "I swear to God," was forbidden. Enough to reach out and say, "Word of man." For years I have not heard these statements of truth, loyalty. "Thing of children? Did they leave to use? Were they unnecessary?
I intend to rescue the human and divine merits of these formulas. I do so knowing that this new era, a time of loyalties and lies halfway reasonable, truth and loyalty needs more than ever. I have no better way to do that through Jesus Christ, the Word of God.
"I I swear to God, "we said and we sank to blame. But what was the crime? Is there anything more beautiful than endorse the words with divine authority? Is it not this, more or less, the sacrament of marriage?
ban swearing in God's name is ancient, dating back to the Bible. In modern terms we would say that is not worthy of a man blamed on life without God. Both the sacred writer as the modern philosopher know more have believed that history is not closed, encrypted in the stars, intelligible only to the magicians, but open. The Western Christian or Western Dry known to be free and therefore responsible a story that touches just configure it according to his need infinite truth, goodness and beauty. No one can sit back until someone else to do for him what would happen without it as an external imposition and infantilising. Nor can live "blaming the pavement." The chronic complaint dehumanized. Only the desperate, perhaps, may call upon God for the exemption of life.
Why then "swear by God" if possible "to swear by himself? Jesus taught: "Say Yes, if yes. Say no if not. The rest comes from the evil one "(Mt 5, 37). Refuge in the Almighty, give the truth inherent in every human being who follows his conscience and bear it, is cowardice and sin. Better to be atheists who invoke God in vain! For if the atheist has no more than his word, the Christian God manipulates the name itself is invalid and deprives his neighbor of the highest divine gift, that of the simple truth in all the nakedness of their humanity.
Better say: "The word of man" and simply. Perhaps the formula falls into disuse for not offend women. Maybe. Anyway, I do not think that women deserve less faith than men. Neglected complications of language, the bottom line is what matters. Pledge one's word, and for affirm the truth, and to engage with others is a supreme value. Who could argue that all scientific progress, from aspirin to electricity, from computers to regulate the economy, etc.., Or the most beautiful works of Leonardo, worth more than that of wife: "I receive you as husband and promise to be true, as favorable or bad, and, well, love and honor you all the days of my life?" Since there has been a man or woman who has committed to freedom in a similar way, humanity has taken many steps forward, but no equivalent to it.
However, human speech is fragile. We say "word of man, but who is man? We are a sad mixture of finitude and infinitude. We aspire to everything, unable to everything. Commitments "for life? Torture could break the most entrenched loyalties. The unemployment and hunger have shed millions of families. The mere personal selfishness, lust for fame and power have become the most solemn oaths precise mechanisms of treason. Leave aside the case of a false call off because nobody is obliged to be faithful to an imaginary voice. The point is that the man much it's worth, is worth little. Overwhelmed in its precariousness, the man abdicates eternity.
But do not it is feasible to rely eternity? Is it entirely impossible to combine eternity in human history? Impossible for the man, yes. Not for God. For God is not impossible to hold a man to the end. In Jesus the Word of God became man's word and the word of a man discovered the word of God. And we knew that the word of God is tested and unconditional promise of faithfulness.
say that the comparison is not funny, that the example is irrelevant. Jesus, being God, had no difficulty in fulfilling its mission until the end. A Jesus more divine than human, having known and been around from the crib onward, have faithfully practiced their apparent ignorance and simulating suffering. And on the evidence of his resurrection next, would have faced death as a mere formality.
The truth of Christ is very diverse. Jesus was such a man as God. More precisely, it was God as a real man. Only the efforts of human speech, given our very limited knowledge and will (unless it adds to the awkwardness we lust) has been possible for us to infer in him the divine word. We discovered the divine Word in speech and act of Jesus, as the next factor to its accuracy.
If we look at the story of Jesus, we note that only the Holy Spirit and revealed The mission that Christ gave His Father and the Spirit inspired the creativity and strength to fulfill it. Jesus, like us, had to discern the truth of God and bear it. But unlike us, rooted in faith and love of the Father, Jesus was faithful in temptation, endured the treachery and betrayal of friends, and died charlatan and accused of blasphemy. What a paradox of history! That a man of truth as none has been convicted embacaudor impostor and his people. But well, backing his words with his body, his pure manliness, Jesus said the credibility of God and opened the way to the credibility of the man.
In Jesus has become clear that other extraordinary paradox: God believes in man. Believes this to be scary, unbelievable, infidel. Faith is second only to believe in God. First faith is divine activity. God believes in man and his promise of fidelity sustains human freedom, human promises and human samples of loyalty. The faith of God makes a man either a "son." Other than "employee", the "son" lives worth as much as aware of his father and himself happy, confident, is exposed to life and fight for it without cheating. Human works, even the mere human faith in themselves, are useless, stumble and fail. Human faith atina with God when life, developed by the Spirit that makes us "sons in the Son" is the belief that we are worthy of faith among ourselves because God loves us, holds our feet and picks us up whenever we fall.
From Jesus onward has become clear that God shares his role with humanity. To us Christians, we know it explicitly, but also with those who are not. For if God's faithfulness was visible to the Christians in the rehabilitation of a crucified man, the same loyalty is extended to the rest of humanity without exclusion, and verifies the Spirit which gives the true men and women. Every human person is capable of truth. Pick
the case of the father of Jung Chang, author of Wild Swans. When Mao's China raged betrayal, treachery and false witness, a senior official accused the regime of Chang's father doubt the leader's words: "Every word of Chairman Mao is like ten thousand words, and represents the truth universal and absolute. " He said: "Each word means a word is itself the supreme achievement of a man. It is not humanly possible for a word equivalent to ten thousand. "
Does it make sense to say "word of man? Yes Swear by God? Also, it depends how it's done. "Promising young voting "poverty, chastity and perpetual obedience," to devote himself to the will of God? Lot. Do you promise loyalty to superiors, the President of the Republic, the Constitution and laws? Of course! Nothing makes more sense than the loyalty of the martyrs for confessing Jesus died as the importance of his reason for living.
Posted in Christ for the Fourth Millennium. Seven stories from twenty-one articles , San Pablo, Santiago, 2001.
Monday, April 3, 2006
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Those who have leaned to the Internet can sense that the possibilities offered are fabulous. If we add the changes of cybernetics to the human genome will bring, how different we become? The human genome is expected to remedy excruciating disease. But it is possible to alter what philosophers call the "essence" or "nature" of man? Of the conversion of physical knowledge in technology, they say, are expected changes as dramatic as the previous. Never, however, have to be naive, those who drive the new inventions are the same that concentrate power and wealth throughout the world. The exclusion of the majority increases so chilling as the fifth of the world's richest 80% of available resources, the poorest fifth meeting no more than 0.5%. Refurbished hide speeches about freedom and slavery recycled under new figures.
Also in the spirit level of updates. The New Age as a movement or a mass spiritual restlessness, even appropriated the name, is just another aspect of the new era. West expands the not insignificant victory for freedom of conscience and religious pluralism. Globalization, among other things, is a global and reciprocal influence of a myriad of different beliefs. Esoteric literature abounds, proliferating religious groups and church hierarchies lose control of their faithful. Attended the free market of salvation. Each one chooses what works and leave what gets in its way: the hedonistic choose comfortable means, masochists by Cilician or the law without interpretation. If any important is the religion in the new era, it is unclear who has it as a step forward.
is not obvious that humanity progress by the mere passage of time. Nor is it a matter of perfecting the media, science and technology, but is hit in the end. In the past century regressions atrocious. Got mit uns, God with us, was written on belt buckles of Nazi soldiers. Nor is it true that all time past has been better. The Pope has apologized for the Inquisition. Not because there is now boiling mystical invocation of God is, in fact, beneficial. A God has used it for everything. In the future, more than ever we will have to distinguish for ourselves what comes from God and improvement of religious kitsch, infantilization godly consciousness, personal service to the whims of a guru and many other trinkets that offer to make and carry divinity.
In these new times, new substitutes to the humanization and deification, is Jesus Christ still, with so many wrong track, a track sure to choose correctly? Will the third millennium? If Christ did not used to choose the good, to endure the pain as much as possible, for forgiveness, to face death with dignity and hope for a better world reconciled and will not be Savior of anyone or any truly deserve recognition. In any case and in this particular question, it seems, because the answer depends. Not everyone can do the same for "salvation." "For freedom Christ freed us," says St. Paul. In many ways it has been called to Christian salvation, redemption, illumination, justification, reconciliation, etc. .. Call it freedom or liberation theological tradition is ancient and facilitates their intelligibility in the present. Today, as before, among the transcendental salvation offers a oxygenate the earthly life and other suffocation. The question of the validity of Jesus Christ comes from the belief that yes, there is a kind of salvation as good, Christian liberty, that it can be shared over the centuries. The question is how. How Jesus Christ is the concept of freedom, not oppression? Second, how is it possible to check the freedom of Christ in an age increasingly liberal and less solidarity?
Notion of Christ
The how has two steps. A step depends on the notion we have of Christ. If with God, men tend to endorse anything, with Christ as well. The future of Christianity depends on a correct idea of \u200b\u200bChrist. And in a second step but as fundamental as this, the future of Christianity depends on the identification of Christians with the person of Jesus and his faithfulness to his important mission.
The notion of Christ comes from two main data, beyond language Archaic expressed, are geared toward how a man can become fully himself. Are data revealed, that is, irreducible axiom of faith to experiments positivists, like beliefs about the origin and the conscious or unconscious purpose guiding any mortal in your life. These are, one the Incarnation of the Son of God and another, the Paschal Mystery.
According to the dogma of the Incarnation, the Christian faith holds that in Christ the Absolute was identified in a man who never gave God so completely as in Jesus. This dogma of faith should correct the mindset of those who believe that between God and humanity no opposition in principle, be those who opt for humanity because they fail to see the compatibility, ie those who profess that access to God is to stop being men, escape, evaporate, reincarnated in other beings, all of which usually translates into subjection to the tyrant in power or crippling Zodiac designs . Jesus is the Son of God means that God does not compete against us but with us, that Jesus is God on our behalf. But as one of us, like us, no cheating. Not as a "superman" that the police may entrust tasks impossible to ordinary mortals. The Holy Scriptures teach that the Almighty was impotent, that came to ignore even knowing the day of reckoning, even if for texts of Scripture itself, to emphasize the sublimity of Jesus, we play dirty tricks, such as "calm the storm." Jesus fulfilled his mission without magic, like us, with fatigue and uncertainty of the future. Large dogmatic councils of the ancient Greek vetoed the idea that God was unmoved by the suffering on the one hand and, secondly, banned believe that Jesus had been equipped with extra-human powers, under which at any time of terrestrial life could have acted according to his divinity "bypassing" of limited humanity. The difference between Jesus and us it was not received in excess of divinity, but of humanity: was the radical freedom of man who, knowing the Son loved unconditionally by God, gave his life to fight evil without negotiating with evil. The difference was in the freedom of Jesus in their authenticity, authority, say the New Testament.
The notion of Christ is perfected in the Paschal Mystery. In fact his cross and his resurrection from the dead, the ancient church discovered that Jesus was like us in everything but sin. If the Incarnation stands the likeness of God with us, the Paschal Mystery brand dissimilarity. If the cross the inhumanity of man reveals the cruelty to the max, it is because Jesus is still shown more human than us. God In Christ identifies with humanity, without more, but with the victims. It is to those who mourn, the hungry, laborers, women, foreigners, the lame, the blind, the insane, the possessed, the useless and the marginalized, Jesus brings the liberating joy of the Kingdom. The pain of Jesus is the suffering of the poor. Instead, the poor. His shame, the poor. Jesus takes some of the mysterium iniquitatis not a cause, but as an innocent victim, in solidarity with the vast majority of victims of abuse of freedom. With the rest of humanity Jesus identifies himself as a sinner: the guilt of the oppressor is to blame of Jesus. On the cross the innocent seem guilty. Jesus seems to treat it as normal a guilty treat, destroying it. But Jesus does not happen to others suffering from the curse, does not seek revenge, exculpate, suffering and bless. What no one saw, which only later he said, is that the cross was the sense of freedom: no one is more free than the one who forgives his enemies and also gives them life. "In the light I took the dark and my battle was for their pain," Neruda said of his brother, "the man who loved me without finding another way to talk to me but hurt me." If this poem was inspired by the Christian faith enlightens largely the greatest and most difficult to explain all of Christianity.
God does not compete against humanity but mankind, is what caught the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus. The first disciples could not express more than poetic genius experience an unequivocal certainty: God does not abandon the victims. The Passover was for them to pivot freedom of Christ, the culmination of the freedom of Jesus on the cross and the beginning of their liberation from all forms of slavery. There were brave, challenged the religion of fear, understood something really new, that God needs no human sacrifices made to love and forgive, but that he himself is exposed to evil, suffering and catalyzes to the end, to prevent the men again to ensure the existence and revenge betraying each other. Opened the hope of a radically alternative and reliable, the early Church, challenged in his imagination, it was learned convened to inaugurate a new era, more divine more human.
resurrection of the Redeemer closes the season with the salvation of creation. The notion of Christ is even wider. In a metaphorical language that our mind has trouble understanding empiricist, the former identified Christ with the Logos through which God created the world. What is important here is to retain the Savior is the Creator. The resurrection of man Jesus represents the maximum recovery and deployment cosmology. If the first man, Adam, was at least complicit in the origin of evil that caused the failure of paradise, the goal of freedom, the risen Christ, the new man enjoys all things and fight for humanity someday share his joy .
Experience freedom
alleged a sufficiently orthodox notion of Christ and proper to the precise times, Christianity is played on a personal identification with Jesus and the practical assimilation of their cause. More than a notion of God the Christian faith is a version of God. Who is Beethoven without a pianist to interpret it ... What could be more opposed to the interpretation that the copying, reproduction literal? The future of Christianity depends on the interpretation that Christians do Christ. Will these be able to open the new era, embodied in it, run with it the risk of failure of the threat? Will pour Christ in a new art, a new morality in a world alternative hope? It is not unreasonable to think that if Christianity exhausts its creativity, if you opt for the false security of the copy traditionalist, the blanket ban on any new development, if it gives up the Spirit, not only serve as a textbook of archaeologists or, the best, the museum will offer its temples. Creativity, as the Spirit, is inherent to Christianity. Without the Spirit, Jesus would not have invented the way back to his father between the Incarnation and Easter, but would not have been possible the freedom that comes from Him for the Christian, the alter Christus, make your own history. The relevance of the Christian faith depends on the theory, but ultimately inspiring coming of the Spirit in the Christian, with originality, the praxis of Jesus. Faith in the Incarnation, in the new era, asks Christians role.
But there is no "follow Christ" without the Paschal Mystery: making it is the front of the fight against evil. The future of Christianity as Christianity, not as political or decorative persistence, "require that Christians will herald the end of time, participating in Christ's struggle to wrest the history of hedonism, consumerism, the idols of sex without commitment, of violence and power, weapons of pure love, fraternal, helpless and dying. Be reckoned that the word "freedom" refer to different and even opposite concepts, which boasts the old Leviathan in the new era of economic liberalism, political and moral, that the new beast, the Antichrist will not invoke freedom and solidarity, but as individualism and whim of those who want to do what they please, and it may expropriate the remaining possibilities. Liberalism is the ideology of the will, the constitution of the abuse of power. Can Christians subdue an enemy that powerful and seductive than themselves coaxing and promises facilities? Can they break out of his fascination with the god Money to choose once and for all by the God of the poor?
History seems lost. The powerful are getting richer. The proliferation of spirituality is no guarantee of anything. In several cases is another good deal. To the Christians get to choose the difference, rather invent. They will if atman with its mission and identity. The mission is liberation, identity is freedom. The identity is achieved through the mission and the mission for identity: the freedom of the sons of God, as a fraternity and not individualism, is the condition and goal. On the road after the liberation of mankind from pain and guilt that culminates on the cross, Jesus knew the beloved Son and one with the Father forever. But here extracted love, trust, courage, play, poetry, in a word, freedom that led him to a neighbor interested as unselfishly for personal and universal. On this track the Christians discover that freedom is recognized in the free. The track is experiencing God as a Father, between the Incarnation and Easter, is perceived as pure unconditional love, pure as pure authority and permission for their children to take responsibility for a world that, having been created to be shared, sadly, is disputed.
The Christian difference
In short, be seen that the new era will be so new. The unflinching hope that Christian praxis guide to more than history does not mean that this side story end badly. The real problems of mankind have not been resolved. If until now the Christians have no difference, must do so in the future. So, as to display the difference will be clear that not just any religion "saved" and that nihilism is not safe. But the ferocious bite sectarian spirit gives to Christians. Not for nothing that modernity has sought to free men of myth, superstition, quackery, the Church, and God. A matter for the Christian God as a new humanity, interpreting the divinity of Jesus as the man who loves life, his own and that of others, passionately. They turn to prove that the cross of Christ has not been a "useless passion." This is the difference.
The difference is freedom. But the fetish of freedom, liberalism. For freedom is not confined to the psychic ability to choose between alternatives as in the market. Nor is depleted in the abstract Compliance. Being a choice between alternatives, consisting of an ethical choice, freedom above all is the completely self-determining power, not so much "choose" but "chosen" and "accept being chosen" to share and enjoy the world in common, rather than exploit it selfishly. Christian liberty is expected to create human relations fraternal banquet inspired by Christ has the final destination of the building and that the Eucharist anticipates this story with the celebration of forgiveness and the breaking of bread you should reach for all and overrun.
To Christians have to provide the difference, but not only them. How are dialogue and cooperation between Christians and the other lovers of authentic freedom, religious or agnostic, as inconsistent as them or more? This collaboration is so important that it is not possible, Christianity will remain pending in its aim of universal love, perhaps, for another millennium.
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moral deformation
If we simplify things to two, to "give" and "receive", we discover that Christianity is frequently identified to give, not receive. Giving love, sharing of goods, scrubbed for others, bear the sufferings of others, etc., seems to be as tall and handsome. For this path left Christians exalt the right solidarity and charity. Vain is accused each other on their way of thinking about charity: two versions of Christianity consist of the same privilege when giving over receiving. As much as you hone differences, share a defect fatal. All
deceptively fails when it is believed that God loves us if "we." Imagine that before God we live under "probation" if we behave well, God will keep his confidence, if you disobey, will punish us. Believe ourselves worthy of God's favor, win the prize, develop ethical life looking their applause, is the biggest aberration of the Christian faith, however, to ordinary mortals this idea and the practice are held to be more authentic faith. God does not "earn it" no. Is that "we won" with his magnanimous love. But the "moralizing" would have us believe that God is a merchant and cast us to compete against himself and to us.
As "moralizing" we boast ourselves of the purity of our souls or activities, as much as we criticize and despise the other. Not having experienced the free love of God, do not know the true freedom and recycle the fear in which we live. Because we have no notion of a radical forgiveness, distrust of God and man. And this is more serious: to protect us from one another and seek to ensure the existence forced on the rest of our rigid interpretation of the faith, morals and liturgy. The "moralizing" of all time, left or right, harshly judge others because we want your salvation, but we do not want him or any man in particular: we want to manipulate! Therefore, true conversion is not moving from traditionalist Catholic liberal Christianity, or vice versa. Any true conversion is similar to that of St. Paul who dismissed the justification for good works to obtain the pure faith in the merciful goodness of God. For St. Paul the good works are evidence of the authenticity of the faith, but never a "right" to God's benevolence.
God gives to us to give, not because it gives us demos. The logic of the marketplace at its limits, should not apply to God, but also in human relations at its deepest level. In these areas the competition is not perfect, ruins. What could be more harmful than "buy" the parents love their children?, What validated as a parent with the promise of a bike? God loves us unconditionally and unselfishly, moves us to love freely. The proof that God loves so that Jesus died for the "good", but by the "bad." There is no greater or more clear case of selfless love. What God won with the death of His Son? He won the "bad" instead of giving something back to God (money, good deeds or prayers), receive from Him everything.
Human beings deserve only God in Christ. Jesus radical obedience and his innocence, his father deserved a new life for himself and for humanity, but not mechanically. Freely, because God wants salvation and never the bane of mankind, the Father raised Jesus from the dead and validated their sacrifice for us all. In Christ, our sufferings also volunteers and good deeds are rewarded, but not because it will force God to reward us, but because in God all you need is love. When the grace of Christ prevails in us, we do not receive more than giving it no other way to give than to receive. So does the true freedom, so different from the freedom that is granted by law or powerful does not prevail and love from within but from outside and fear.
But receiving is difficult. Receiving is so difficult to admit to be forgiven. If we should be grateful to receive the sublime form of appreciation is to recognize his own misery and humbly accept forgiveness. Easier does not acknowledge any debt and strive to make the debtors others, God included.
received to
In fact, no count is to be loved to love. Both aspects of love are important, but if it comes to putting things in order, well you can not love without being loved first. What man can offer to God is nothing that God has not always offered. Loves and follows Jesus who has been loved and called by Jesus. Believe in God that God who has given him reason to believe in Christian Ethics draws its strength from truth and experience God's love in Jesus, in whom the goodness personified until the end. The Christian's responsibility is nurtured by the "irresponsibility" of a God who loves sinners. The Eucharistic Christianity is a religion: Christianity is pure thanksgiving to God for love so unmerited love which results in happy and free.
The primacy of love is passive current psychological data. If parents are missing, others may love fill in the basics orphan. But instead of love who has known nothing but contempt and neglect, even if father and mother, he will languish and stunned or believe they have good reason to retaliate against society. Like love, love sponsor or repairer, create secure personal imaginative, bold, flexible, tolerant and caring.
In matters of religion, it is not happen in the churches of the guitar body or vice versa, of communion in the mouth to communion in the hand or vice versa. Do not confuse it with the secondary principal. It is all down to experience the immeasurable kindness, and to believe in it only in that "idea" of God we have forged to defend the desire to make us their affection. Only thus can be passed from one religion "bitter" a religious "happy."
Religiosity "bitter" is pathological. How can be healthy sausage we pursue the option for the poor in the same way as a turkey stuffed! Cause us trouble like those faithful to the fear of sin and hell has sucked them all sympathy, and seek the salvation of unbelievers harassing and inhibited. Cults peddle fear. Make the announcement of the Good News of the Gospel in a manual of indoctrination. The truth is always and all of its part, the error, if the opposing party.
Religiosity "happy", however, non-violent neighbor. Nobody forces the faith because faith is a gift rather than an obligation. So beautiful is taking Communion in the hand or mouth, if done with devotion. Religiosity "happy" is not played on small things, going back to basics. Instead of criticizing and condemning others, is contaminated with them and bear their miseries. This was Jesus. From Bethlehem to our time, Jesus shared our misery so we can share the goodness of His Father and thank her. The Son of God from all eternity is a poor man who just returned to his Father which has always freely received from Him Religiosity "happy" is pure appreciation. While Christianity is the religion of the weak and repentant sinners, while they love their time selflessly to the useless and the "bad", the world will know that there is a give as free as receiving its source.
Posted in Christ to the fourth millennium. Seven stories from twenty-one articles , San Pablo, Santiago, 2002.
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Jesus, in essence, means that God is human. Human
to share our life and destiny. Human to love and suffer for mankind until the end. Jesus was man much more than us. Tan man as only God can be. But some difficulty understanding that their deity does not impair their humanity and others that a man like him to be divine.
Jesus is so divine, we think, that has not been very human. It also happens otherwise. Today no such certainty of their humanity that is hard to believe that God has been. The Incarnation of the Son of God is a mystery. It is hard for thought to get an idea of \u200b\u200bbringing together in one person two magnitudes, the divinity and humanity, which seem to compete. But in Jesus, God does not compete against humanity, competes against sin to save humanity from suffering and death. Divinity does not diminish the humanity of Jesus. Perfects. The man's passionate heart and pierced Jesus, more than any other release, reveals how truly God and how does one become fully human.
The psychology of Jesus
Sea for us Jesus as a divine man, God is a human, it is not easy to explain how to articulate the psychological unity of the person of the Son of God, these two aspects of himself, his humanity and divinity. Its human psychology is an expression of divine psychology, but Jesus only humanity has known the Son of God. This topic has been debated throughout the history of the Church and will continue.
The Gospels tell us that Jesus was admirable for its wisdom and authority. But how could he know a man who was born in a manger, without speaking or understanding speech, that he is God? Do you cry to look like a man or because he was indeed fallible and ignorant of their future? Sesboüé Bernard, a prominent contemporary Christologist, wonders: "How Jesus during his pre-Easter life has taken and has been conscious of being the Son of God."
Thomas was wrong to grant Jesus of Nazareth, the "beatific vision, knowledge and enjoyment of God's own blessed in glory. The Son of God has shared in earnest, and not in appearance, our historicity. The current theologians strive to combine two issues difficult to reconcile: Jesus has come to know historically, for an intellectual and even spiritual evolution, that which by virtue of his divine personality has long been known. That is, their ultimate identity was divine and not merely human. To explain, Karl Rahner replaces the concept of "beatific vision" for the "immediate vision," to say that Jesus has come to know objectively (through experience and human language) that subjectively intuited from conception ( substantial unity with God). Similarly, men sense this transcendent destiny, the child in the home still has no way to tell what's wrong but something's wrong, and seek to be understood crying or laughing.
addition to this, the theologians supported in Christ a "infused knowledge", like the great prophets and visionaries. This has allowed Jesus to understand the scriptures, the divine plan of salvation, the salvific meaning of his death on the cross, in a word, his own mission of redemption and revealing.
Finally, as expected, it should be recognized in Christ a "knowledge gained." For any human being he appropriates the world experientially. His back is, of course, ignorance, testing and possible errors. No matter how wise that was the baby Jesus in front of the doctors in the Temple, the same Luke tells us that "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and grace before God and men" (Lk 2, 52). The Epistle to the Hebrews says that "suffering learned what it takes to obey" (Lk 5, 8).
Jesus was able to ignore many things. How could he know that the earth is round and revolves around the sun? At that time everyone thought it was flat. Nothing says the New Testament, but from the moment he says: "But of that day and time (the trial), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father "(Mk 13, 32), we imagine that Jesus shares with us a very significant ignorance. In 600 Pope Gregory the Great, however, prohibited exclusive claim ignorance in Christ, ie, one that would have prevented it from fulfilling its mission of revealing the Father and his plan of salvation.
A purpose of his will and freedom fit other questions: How could Jesus say to His Father "This cup I do not drink" (cf. Lk 22:42)? Could you disobey? If it is said that human will was genuine, fully independent, could sin "? And if he could not sin, what kind of freedom did you have?
The Council of Constantinople III (680 / 681 years) determined that human nature is complete and that fits harmoniously the requirements of divinity. Constantinople III established that in Christ there are two activities and two wills, divine and human, respectively, against the advice of the Patriarch and Pope Honorius Sergio. These, to close any possibility of sin in Christ, called for an acknowledgment of just one activity (Sergio) and will (Honorius), preventing, possibly unintentionally-that our salvation should be loved and performed by the same man.
The council, however, did not explain how perfectly suited the human will of Jesus with the Father's will. Merely stated the key of revelation: the integrity of the humanity of Jesus and his lack of sin (Heb 4.15). Also, other councils insist that Jesus did not sin nor did original sin (Toledo the year 675 and Florence 1442). It will be said further that no part of our desire (Constantinople II 553), this consequence of sin which are not sin, persists even in the baptized, inclining to sin (Trent 1546).
El Salvador did not sin, was innocent. But he knew the temptation. Although the temptation of Jesus was not like ours, lust contaminated, the Epistle to the Hebrews says that he was "tempted in every way like us" (Heb 4.15; cf. Hb 12.1 to 2). But, whether the messianic temptations as that with which Jesus invites Peter to victory without the cross (Mk 8:31-33, cf. Mt 4, 1-11), and of Gethsemane (Lk 22, 29-46), Jesus refused to make the Father's will.
How can the freedom of Jesus before his Father? Should distinguish two aspects of freedom: freedom as free will and as self-determination because of the good. Thanks to free will, as in a supermarket, "choose" between different possibilities best and worst, harmless from an ethical standpoint. But there is a deeper freedom, the "chosen" and "accept being chosen" for the greater good: the freedom of all those things that enslave us (money, status, psychological barriers, guilt, etc.) to choose and love real property (children, spouse, common good, etc..). Jesus has enjoyed full freedom, the two freedoms. But where is all that Jesus loves his Father, consisting of the predominance of his great goodness, who could not otherwise choose to give your life for love. Could we convince a lover to his beloved emperdernido not suit you, you better think of another? Impossible. Similarly, under its discretion Jesus was able to choose among various options that contributed to achieving its mission, hence you have been tempted. But on his mission its autoderminación was complete. For his extraordinary love for His Father and us, Jesus lived absorbed in his mission and could not help but bring to completion by the delivery of his life.
Jesus' mercy
We have argued as if it were necessary to prove that Jesus was a man. If this view is understandable among the believers absorbed in the sublimity of the Lord, she is often misunderstood by the modern mentality rather wondering how could Jesus be God. Henceforth we highlight how the perfection of the humanity of Jesus is not primarily to have shared throughout our human nature, but have put in game to death, thereby revealing what is its meaning and, indirectly, how is the God who promotes its ultimate realization. And give hope not only because of the divinity of the man Jesus, but especially the ultimate significance of being male.
In common parlance, it is said of someone who is very "human" because of its proximity to people, their friendliness, their ability to understand and forgive. "Human" because, without being an accomplice, was involved with the hardships of others and to help overcome them, shares their fate. This concept applies to Jesus' humanity before anyone else. Because, if assuming a human psychology with all its possibilities and limitations Jesus is one of us, while personally ushered in the history of the compassionate love of God was not one more, but the best. Jesus is merciful and not the average of men that determines what it means to be human.
pay attention to their history. Jesus focused his preaching in the proclamation of the reign of God, the closeness of the unprecedented and incomprehensible goodness of God. Jesus lived for His Father and to the reign of the goodness of His Father with us (Mk 1, 14-15). The first recipients of this kingdom were poor and sinners.
Jesus preached the kingdom to the poor (Lk 4, 14-19). The poor birth of Jesus in Bethlehem is not an incidental fact of his life, but it is a symbol of a shared humanity with the favorites of God (Lk 1, 46-56). Jesus identified with the poor in misery all the time is a sin, never a stage of humanization. The "poor in spirit" as Jesus reach evangelical perfection rather than not making mistakes, rather than experience no doubt and suffering, groaning, mingling with the victims of the "inhumanity" and acting on their behalf. Evangelical perfection love even the enemy, is to be "merciful as God is merciful" (Luke 6, 36, cf. Mt 5, 43-48).
Jesus also gave the kingdom to the despised by sinners, those who were not able to comply with the moralism of the Pharisees and those who violated the law, without more (Luke 5, 29-32, 15, 1-2). Test free of the kingdom is offered precisely those who do not have to exchange goods or works for him. But Jesus goes further. Without abolishing the law, break the law when it violates its rigidity originating benign sense (Jn 8, 1-11) or the changes!, If it has become inhuman (Mt 19, 1-9).
Nothing illustrates the humanity of Jesus that the friends he had and the places they frequented. He surrounded himself the outcasts of his day. A chose his disciples among all people, mostly poor people. He even had women disciples, unusual in antiquity. He was accused of "glutton and drunkard" because he drank and drank with disreputable people, and despised him for hobnobbing with publicans and be caressed by prostitutes (Luke 7, 33-50). Jesus anticipated the meaning of the Eucharist, sharing the table with the "damned" sinners and the poor.
But is not that Jesus has been submerged in the underworld of society's claim to legitimacy. It happens that the mystery of the Incarnation takes place within and not far above human history, authoritatively, as if it were possible without contaminating rescue her and dispel her grief without sharing your pain. Jesus "meek and humble of heart" (Mt 11, 29), as a poor, freeing the kingdom opens each other evils, but without removing their beneficiaries inexcusable personal response. If the blessing of the kingdom is not imposed on the poor, but they require the voluntary acceptance, the curse of Jesus to the rich is to be understood not as a condemnation (Luke 6.24-26), but as the last call to repentance .
Messianism of Jesus was different from the messianism of his contemporaries. The draft of the prevalence of Jesus God appear in history without their target, the force and obligation, but also not to endorse the consequences of rejection and the mystery of evil pure and simple. To the extent that Jesus tried to right the eradication of selfishness and misery, he had no choice but to fulfill its mission as the humble and suffering servant of Isaiah, which would eliminate the bad carrying it. As Christ subverted religion of his age rebelling against the distortion of the Law and the Temple, must face the consequences. His death "was necessary" (Lk 24, 26), it is almost inevitable because dear. That have loved those who killed him is a contingent fact. This death was necessary because God the Father wanted to love humanity with a love so great as his love for his own Son; necessary because Jesus wanted and chose to do the will of His Father to share the human death in all its abandonment, to penetrate in the orphanage from hell atrocious, with the only hope that the God of life would fill that realm of loneliness with the warmth of his spirit. Since then, the true human perfection is expressed in the cross and the cross and resurrection germinates.
Jesus Christ is the man. The Holy Spirit extends in history what happened with Jesus. God saves mankind with the man Jesus, but not us, not without our free option, but with our freedom, now freed from the tendency to inhumanity and the fear of death, and our struggle. Conclusion
to save not of humanity but of inhumanity, God has entered history as a real man and the best of men. The reluctance to accept that Jesus is man, rather than safeguards of faith are expressions of faith heretical.
If not for the man Jesus, its historical performance and final rehabilitation would not know that sin is not part of human nature or that God is innocent of the suffering of mankind. Two things at all obvious. Through Jesus Christ we know who God really is, Who is man and what is their destination. Through the man Jesus corrected the idea of \u200b\u200ba "god" abuser, righteous or vindictive, and preserve the humanity of those who oppress them.
But, ultimately, not enough to believe in the abstract nature of the identity of the risen Christ with us, nor enough to know his extraordinary performance on earth. Must take part in its historical identification with fallen humanity, identified with the passion of his life: his mission of proclaiming God's mercy, to rehabilitate the poor and forgiving sinners. Only discerning the way of Jesus in the Spirit will be possible to recognize the man from Nazareth to the Lord risen and the Son of God.
caring and merciful Jesus, crucified and risen is the Man. The more this man influence us, there will be more reason in this dehumanized world to believe that God is good, just good, and who loves us. Annex
Jesus divine and human God man
From ancient history of theology called Antiochene tradition has held that Jesus is a divine man, highlights the issue of adherence meritorious free human Jesus to the Father's redemptive plan, dismissing it omniscience (knowing everything), and the great powers use "extra-human" or omnipotence (it can be everything). This approach preserves a fundamental theological criterion, namely that what Christ has not been taken will not be saved, if Jesus does in some aspect of humanity (instinct, reason, freedom, historical) that aspect will be no redemption. His divinity can not cancel or waive the exercise of this humanity.
Antiochian tradition deviates from the faith, however, when he postulates that the Son of God and Jesus of Nazareth is not a single person, but the man Jesus, without being God himself, is united to God by a pure free choice. This is the "Nestorian." The "Nestorian" is grotesque when Jesus Christ As with some contemporary film versions, to adjudicate sin or lust to make it more like us.
Alexandrian tradition, however, highlights another major theological approach, the divinity of Jesus: Jesus is a human God. If Jesus were not God, would be useless to take on humanity, because only God can with the salvation of man. Consequently, the theological school will not tolerate that preaches a Jesus Christ that is not made clear his divinity, Christ ignorant of his identity and mission transcendent or a sinner Christ.
deviation of the Alexandrian tradition is in favor of Jesus his "divine psychology" at the expense of human psychology, as if they were two "parts" competing homogeneous. The "Monophysite" heresy contrary to the "Nestorian" in Jesus tends to negate the will and a properly human activity and, of course, any sign of ignorance and sometimes even suffering. In this case the man Jesus is a kind of "superman" or a mere puppet in the hands of God.
Costadoat Jorge Published in Christ for the Fourth Millennium. Seven stories from twenty-one articles , San Pablo, Santiago, 2001, 192pp.