Wednesday, April 5, 2006

I Cant Remove My Earrings

source of the holy family of the human family of Christ

It is amazing that God has entered human life through a family like ours. Struck by the normality of God. What is normal? The chosen family was so poor, so common, like the vast majority of families in the world. But in reality, the normality of the family of Mary, Joseph and Jesus was to be as unusual as many of our own families and even more. The most surprising thing is that God, instead of trying all over again and nothing has had the disintegration of the holy family, with the remnants of Israel, to lift the church, the community that opens the familiarity of all mankind .

is difficult to say what be a family "ideal", but a good idea to help the family search, find, and, indeed, to enjoy so many benefits that it provides. But the family has changed much throughout history. Sometimes it might be the tribe. Further, a FAMILION including cousins, uncles and grandparents. Now finally it seems legitimate to exclude the elderly. The changes you envision for the near future are troubling. In the immediate view things close in the family noticed that there are problems: discord between spouses, violence to children, a teenage drug addict, an unmarried pregnant, lost her husband, mother stressed, more than one sexual abuse, etc. . The roles change. A woman usually makes pater familias of a considerable group of people. Many who live in solitude, however, consider their animals family ... How long does a family? How do you consider the separated and remarried or who never married and living together? Although it is said that these irregularities are not "family", including the holy family to open another opportunity.

The Holy Family had a beginning and an end dramatic critic. Let us remember. God made things difficult to ask Mary to be virgin mother of Jesus. The punishment for a bride was left waiting for another man was stoned to death. Mary took a chance. Before taking a wife, Joseph was able to report it, was his right, who knows if she wanted to do. The delivery was to the poor. The early years were spent in exile. Tradition says that Joseph died soon after. The family was cut short. Possibly the Virgin and child relatives left to live with other relatives, cornered, asking permission and forgiveness for every breath. Finally, Jesus himself, the light from the eyes of Mary and hope for liberation of his people, died on death row with the worst of punishments. At the foot of the cross, the Virgin looked at the ultimate failure of his family. Mary knew firsthand what it means to lose everything, husband and son. The Holy Family

shared the fate of our families, including the fate of the families hardest hit. But something was very different. In it God prevailed from start to finish. For the predominant faith of Mary Mary. For justice to prevail in José José. For the full time of Jesus to his Father, never before nor after the love of God was so close at hand. But it was through the failure of the holy family, and incredibly, we learned from the familiarity of God with humanity. The day Jesus said to Mary, saying from the cross to his young disciple, "Woman, behold your son" and John: "Behold your mother", the Church outperformed as a new human family. Understood then the other disciples, many of whom had left parents, wives and children for the kingdom, that they also had to the Virgin Mother and Jesus' Abba, Father, and that their mission was nothing to announce to the world their deeper brotherhood. The Church represents the superiority of the human family on the family blood. The Church is the humanity that puts into practice the vocation of every community, large as the entire human or a small pine beggars, but not start again from scratch, but with which we are, by welcoming and forgiveness .

For those who have had a most unusual family normal, for broken families and broken for his family, the Church is the Gospel since Christmas day, the best news. With what remained of the holy family, Mary and son died in his arms, God began again. At Pentecost, the outpouring of the Spirit of the risen Jesus on the Apostles gathered with Mary again, God opened the Church to extend his paternity to all races of the earth. Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamians, Jews and Cappadocian, inhabitants of Pontus, Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia in Egypt, came from Libya, visitors from Rome, Cretans and Arabs, were invited to join the community Rising, the new holy family, open to all, beginning with the poor, the favorite of the kingdom. This was and this is the Gospel good news also for outsiders. The Church proclaims the Gospel when it found a home they have never been homeless or lost, the widows, orphans, single, seasonal, the "nanas", relatives, divorced, exiles, immigrants and refugees arrive alone or holding hands, with or without papers a day, thinking hopefully or at least wanting to believe that God is Father and even Mother.
Published Christ for the Fourth Millennium. Seven stories from twenty-one articles , San Pablo, Santiago, 2001.


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