Monday, April 3, 2006

Modeling In Cold Porcelain Pdf

is curious. Christianity seems so obvious. It is not. The strangest thing is that we usually understand by Christianity exactly the opposite: we say "love" has more than "being loved." Investing your way again and again forced to explain their originality. Explain, to the extent that the immense love of God for humanity is left to understand.

moral deformation

If we simplify things to two, to "give" and "receive", we discover that Christianity is frequently identified to give, not receive. Giving love, sharing of goods, scrubbed for others, bear the sufferings of others, etc., seems to be as tall and handsome. For this path left Christians exalt the right solidarity and charity. Vain is accused each other on their way of thinking about charity: two versions of Christianity consist of the same privilege when giving over receiving. As much as you hone differences, share a defect fatal. All

deceptively fails when it is believed that God loves us if "we." Imagine that before God we live under "probation" if we behave well, God will keep his confidence, if you disobey, will punish us. Believe ourselves worthy of God's favor, win the prize, develop ethical life looking their applause, is the biggest aberration of the Christian faith, however, to ordinary mortals this idea and the practice are held to be more authentic faith. God does not "earn it" no. Is that "we won" with his magnanimous love. But the "moralizing" would have us believe that God is a merchant and cast us to compete against himself and to us.

As "moralizing" we boast ourselves of the purity of our souls or activities, as much as we criticize and despise the other. Not having experienced the free love of God, do not know the true freedom and recycle the fear in which we live. Because we have no notion of a radical forgiveness, distrust of God and man. And this is more serious: to protect us from one another and seek to ensure the existence forced on the rest of our rigid interpretation of the faith, morals and liturgy. The "moralizing" of all time, left or right, harshly judge others because we want your salvation, but we do not want him or any man in particular: we want to manipulate! Therefore, true conversion is not moving from traditionalist Catholic liberal Christianity, or vice versa. Any true conversion is similar to that of St. Paul who dismissed the justification for good works to obtain the pure faith in the merciful goodness of God. For St. Paul the good works are evidence of the authenticity of the faith, but never a "right" to God's benevolence.

God gives to us to give, not because it gives us demos. The logic of the marketplace at its limits, should not apply to God, but also in human relations at its deepest level. In these areas the competition is not perfect, ruins. What could be more harmful than "buy" the parents love their children?, What validated as a parent with the promise of a bike? God loves us unconditionally and unselfishly, moves us to love freely. The proof that God loves so that Jesus died for the "good", but by the "bad." There is no greater or more clear case of selfless love. What God won with the death of His Son? He won the "bad" instead of giving something back to God (money, good deeds or prayers), receive from Him everything.

Human beings deserve only God in Christ. Jesus radical obedience and his innocence, his father deserved a new life for himself and for humanity, but not mechanically. Freely, because God wants salvation and never the bane of mankind, the Father raised Jesus from the dead and validated their sacrifice for us all. In Christ, our sufferings also volunteers and good deeds are rewarded, but not because it will force God to reward us, but because in God all you need is love. When the grace of Christ prevails in us, we do not receive more than giving it no other way to give than to receive. So does the true freedom, so different from the freedom that is granted by law or powerful does not prevail and love from within but from outside and fear.

But receiving is difficult. Receiving is so difficult to admit to be forgiven. If we should be grateful to receive the sublime form of appreciation is to recognize his own misery and humbly accept forgiveness. Easier does not acknowledge any debt and strive to make the debtors others, God included.

received to

In fact, no count is to be loved to love. Both aspects of love are important, but if it comes to putting things in order, well you can not love without being loved first. What man can offer to God is nothing that God has not always offered. Loves and follows Jesus who has been loved and called by Jesus. Believe in God that God who has given him reason to believe in Christian Ethics draws its strength from truth and experience God's love in Jesus, in whom the goodness personified until the end. The Christian's responsibility is nurtured by the "irresponsibility" of a God who loves sinners. The Eucharistic Christianity is a religion: Christianity is pure thanksgiving to God for love so unmerited love which results in happy and free.

The primacy of love is passive current psychological data. If parents are missing, others may love fill in the basics orphan. But instead of love who has known nothing but contempt and neglect, even if father and mother, he will languish and stunned or believe they have good reason to retaliate against society. Like love, love sponsor or repairer, create secure personal imaginative, bold, flexible, tolerant and caring.

In matters of religion, it is not happen in the churches of the guitar body or vice versa, of communion in the mouth to communion in the hand or vice versa. Do not confuse it with the secondary principal. It is all down to experience the immeasurable kindness, and to believe in it only in that "idea" of God we have forged to defend the desire to make us their affection. Only thus can be passed from one religion "bitter" a religious "happy."

Religiosity "bitter" is pathological. How can be healthy sausage we pursue the option for the poor in the same way as a turkey stuffed! Cause us trouble like those faithful to the fear of sin and hell has sucked them all sympathy, and seek the salvation of unbelievers harassing and inhibited. Cults peddle fear. Make the announcement of the Good News of the Gospel in a manual of indoctrination. The truth is always and all of its part, the error, if the opposing party.

Religiosity "happy", however, non-violent neighbor. Nobody forces the faith because faith is a gift rather than an obligation. So beautiful is taking Communion in the hand or mouth, if done with devotion. Religiosity "happy" is not played on small things, going back to basics. Instead of criticizing and condemning others, is contaminated with them and bear their miseries. This was Jesus. From Bethlehem to our time, Jesus shared our misery so we can share the goodness of His Father and thank her. The Son of God from all eternity is a poor man who just returned to his Father which has always freely received from Him Religiosity "happy" is pure appreciation. While Christianity is the religion of the weak and repentant sinners, while they love their time selflessly to the useless and the "bad", the world will know that there is a give as free as receiving its source.

Posted in Christ to the fourth millennium. Seven stories from twenty-one articles , San Pablo, Santiago, 2002.


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