Tuesday, April 4, 2006

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Good Friday: meditation on the failure

Does anything the failure of Jesus? And our failure what is the point?
Failure is a historical reality, ubiquitous attached as a shadow to the firm and human life, whether as an action that does not reach its goal and passion is imposed and undeserved. Even the best realizations suffer from a handicap. It would be ungrateful not to acknowledge the economic success of Chile in 1995 and yet, although it seems impolite to mention, we failed in at least one important respect: the national income increased, while distribution worsened. Conclusion: inequality grows. But the Chilean activist does not like criticism. Where are we going, what we are sacrificing, whom we are sacrificing? These questions can not honestly avoid. Immediatist triumphalism errs when it claims solve problems by ignoring them.

These lines are not intended to discourage anyone. Nor are directly related to the Chilean reality. His intention, rather, is to ponder the possibility of an adult hope, based on the mystery of the failure of Jesus Christ. That failure is a useless fact, the pain may seem irrational, are truths that need no proof. The challenge is to bring a good from evil, not justify evil.

Our failure is not necessary to have faith to realize that falls sometimes teach. The pure human wisdom suggests that the failure to be useful, must be allowed to hurt us and call it by name. Without acknowledgment, if not we question our order of life achieved, not going nowhere.

admit that we are not so good, that inspire fear of thrushes, which necessarily someone supports our plans, our charity, is healthy and doing well. Hopefully some husbands recognize that, in fact, their wives are not as happy as they warn. Should not the woman to hold cease-century energy and organization, and confessed that between work, spouse, children and traffic, your home is a grime? Do not we pity the clergy that we always right? Young people know these things and you miss who to believe.
to accept his own defeat, it is imperative to warn the misfortune of a neighbor. How pitiful is not paying attention to the sorrows of others! Causes and not see them, can be hazardous, explosive. It is a mistake for the uptown Santiago waterproof their contacts with the rest of the population, marking odious social differences. How can charity Hogar de Cristo integrate society the poor are marginalized themselves with contempt? How well did Chile realize that the transition to democracy was not finished! Perhaps you can now complete: the problems uncovered, with reason, not force.

In either case, nothing can be more healthy love himself, despite himself. It is not give in to the defects. While the false idealism urges the elimination of errors in the bud and before long, the genuine idealism is patient, waiting for the triumph of love, proceeds with imperfections but no rename. Jesus made this way. Throughout its history with us the Son of God was presented to our failure, appropriated for himself and suffered till the end to get rid of the fear of error and encourage us to return good for evil.

The failure of Jesus

The failure of Jesus was not useless, but it's hard not to believe or explain. Still, no shortage of easy explanations dissolve the pain in his resurrection, minimizing their suffering, trivializing the terrible feeling of having been abandoned by his Father. The Jesus of the glory, of course, would carry forever the marks of the nails.

How was this failure? Their project, the government of the goodness of God proclaimed to the poor and marginalized as sinners, exasperated the religious and political system of his time. Jesus was killed which, in this and every time, mystify and manage human sacrifice in the name of God, the defense or the development of the country. "It's better to die one," said Caiaphas, to the whole nation perish. " But Jesus simply took his life, he gave, he endorsed the fate of all men and women forced to have outside projects, as well, without imposing their own project, sacrificing his life to the arrival of the Kingdom of God instead of sacrificing others for their achievement, would prevail. There are three responsibilities that determine who attend as causes of the cross, because there are causes in the same direction: the giving of Jesus for men is the cruelty of sin, the voluntary surrender of Jesus represents the opposite, the spirit of forgiveness friends and enemies, the gift which the Father makes his son is the love of God beyond all representation rational. Rising from the death of Jesus, the God of the victims, the poor and sinners once again exercised his famous clemency and could prove that, where appropriate, the delivery of Jesus was not laziness or treason. Donation was what she loved most, His Son, and the greatest pain.

The eyes of faith deepens intuition of common sense and wisdom. If the prescription gives reasonable wisdom against suffering, for example, "who sings his bad scare, who mourns his bad gets worse," faith commitment to the impossible, does not promise compliance. Faith dares to look face to face on things, to challenge openly annihilating activity. Hope Christian is to believe that love will triumph over all the failures and misfortunes. If the popular saying goes "the pain is pa 'that hurts," the faith ever justify the suffering, but that gives strength to fight it, overcoming the understandable temptation to curse.

Christian faith invites the man to see God Golgotha \u200b\u200bbroken and sympathize with him not so masochistic. Without mystifying their suffering nor their own or others, as well it would recognize an eternity and a manor that does not deserve so high and increasing common evil. Participation in God's pain is the precondition for enjoying your consolation and exaltation. Why? Some day we understand well. God is like. Just participating in the extreme love of Jesus appropriated the cruelty to the limit of his strength, our life will overcome the inveterate superficiality that lurks. Do not know why things are so, but if we do not understand that when the failure God is on our side, and never against us!, That other "god" childish, like a rich uncle, continue perverting with favors and gauchos. In this "god", temperamental and lazy or "god" of the rewards and punishments, it is better not to believe.

In other words, if for failure and pain is not worth justification by faith we can however invest their negativity for the good and praise. The contemplation of the crucified should activate in us the desire of his father to release him from the cross, crucified Him and all of history. Leave the cross to the millions of human beings in our world languish and expire, however, horrified of Jesus executed, not "detainees" disappeared ", is a profound inconsistency. Rather, the love of justice, fairness and even their mere successful efforts to achieve it, are always a cause for celebration.

But this is small and of no use if, in short, do not recognize that any joint action to inscribe in this poor world, draws their power from the Savior's passion. And the Saviour is Jesus, not us. If Jesus were less of a man for being so divine, if he were not a side by side with us, their salvation would sink like that alms to the poor in their marginalization, rather than accompany his effort to rise. But just because Jesus is one with God, all his passion to attain happiness, and through it our own suffering, pain is not useless, but the condition to fight the temptation to institutionalize hope failure and death. Published

Message (1996) No. 447.


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