Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Cutical Swollen With Water

Jesus man's word, the word of God

As a child I heard and I said "word of man." I remember it was in bad taste promise: "I swear to God," was forbidden. Enough to reach out and say, "Word of man." For years I have not heard these statements of truth, loyalty. "Thing of children? Did they leave to use? Were they unnecessary?

I intend to rescue the human and divine merits of these formulas. I do so knowing that this new era, a time of loyalties and lies halfway reasonable, truth and loyalty needs more than ever. I have no better way to do that through Jesus Christ, the Word of God.

"I I swear to God, "we said and we sank to blame. But what was the crime? Is there anything more beautiful than endorse the words with divine authority? Is it not this, more or less, the sacrament of marriage?

ban swearing in God's name is ancient, dating back to the Bible. In modern terms we would say that is not worthy of a man blamed on life without God. Both the sacred writer as the modern philosopher know more have believed that history is not closed, encrypted in the stars, intelligible only to the magicians, but open. The Western Christian or Western Dry known to be free and therefore responsible a story that touches just configure it according to his need infinite truth, goodness and beauty. No one can sit back until someone else to do for him what would happen without it as an external imposition and infantilising. Nor can live "blaming the pavement." The chronic complaint dehumanized. Only the desperate, perhaps, may call upon God for the exemption of life.

Why then "swear by God" if possible "to swear by himself? Jesus taught: "Say Yes, if yes. Say no if not. The rest comes from the evil one "(Mt 5, 37). Refuge in the Almighty, give the truth inherent in every human being who follows his conscience and bear it, is cowardice and sin. Better to be atheists who invoke God in vain! For if the atheist has no more than his word, the Christian God manipulates the name itself is invalid and deprives his neighbor of the highest divine gift, that of the simple truth in all the nakedness of their humanity.

Better say: "The word of man" and simply. Perhaps the formula falls into disuse for not offend women. Maybe. Anyway, I do not think that women deserve less faith than men. Neglected complications of language, the bottom line is what matters. Pledge one's word, and for affirm the truth, and to engage with others is a supreme value. Who could argue that all scientific progress, from aspirin to electricity, from computers to regulate the economy, etc.., Or the most beautiful works of Leonardo, worth more than that of wife: "I receive you as husband and promise to be true, as favorable or bad, and, well, love and honor you all the days of my life?" Since there has been a man or woman who has committed to freedom in a similar way, humanity has taken many steps forward, but no equivalent to it.

However, human speech is fragile. We say "word of man, but who is man? We are a sad mixture of finitude and infinitude. We aspire to everything, unable to everything. Commitments "for life? Torture could break the most entrenched loyalties. The unemployment and hunger have shed millions of families. The mere personal selfishness, lust for fame and power have become the most solemn oaths precise mechanisms of treason. Leave aside the case of a false call off because nobody is obliged to be faithful to an imaginary voice. The point is that the man much it's worth, is worth little. Overwhelmed in its precariousness, the man abdicates eternity.

But do not it is feasible to rely eternity? Is it entirely impossible to combine eternity in human history? Impossible for the man, yes. Not for God. For God is not impossible to hold a man to the end. In Jesus the Word of God became man's word and the word of a man discovered the word of God. And we knew that the word of God is tested and unconditional promise of faithfulness.

say that the comparison is not funny, that the example is irrelevant. Jesus, being God, had no difficulty in fulfilling its mission until the end. A Jesus more divine than human, having known and been around from the crib onward, have faithfully practiced their apparent ignorance and simulating suffering. And on the evidence of his resurrection next, would have faced death as a mere formality.

The truth of Christ is very diverse. Jesus was such a man as God. More precisely, it was God as a real man. Only the efforts of human speech, given our very limited knowledge and will (unless it adds to the awkwardness we lust) has been possible for us to infer in him the divine word. We discovered the divine Word in speech and act of Jesus, as the next factor to its accuracy.

If we look at the story of Jesus, we note that only the Holy Spirit and revealed The mission that Christ gave His Father and the Spirit inspired the creativity and strength to fulfill it. Jesus, like us, had to discern the truth of God and bear it. But unlike us, rooted in faith and love of the Father, Jesus was faithful in temptation, endured the treachery and betrayal of friends, and died charlatan and accused of blasphemy. What a paradox of history! That a man of truth as none has been convicted embacaudor impostor and his people. But well, backing his words with his body, his pure manliness, Jesus said the credibility of God and opened the way to the credibility of the man.

In Jesus has become clear that other extraordinary paradox: God believes in man. Believes this to be scary, unbelievable, infidel. Faith is second only to believe in God. First faith is divine activity. God believes in man and his promise of fidelity sustains human freedom, human promises and human samples of loyalty. The faith of God makes a man either a "son." Other than "employee", the "son" lives worth as much as aware of his father and himself happy, confident, is exposed to life and fight for it without cheating. Human works, even the mere human faith in themselves, are useless, stumble and fail. Human faith atina with God when life, developed by the Spirit that makes us "sons in the Son" is the belief that we are worthy of faith among ourselves because God loves us, holds our feet and picks us up whenever we fall.

From Jesus onward has become clear that God shares his role with humanity. To us Christians, we know it explicitly, but also with those who are not. For if God's faithfulness was visible to the Christians in the rehabilitation of a crucified man, the same loyalty is extended to the rest of humanity without exclusion, and verifies the Spirit which gives the true men and women. Every human person is capable of truth. Pick

the case of the father of Jung Chang, author of Wild Swans. When Mao's China raged betrayal, treachery and false witness, a senior official accused the regime of Chang's father doubt the leader's words: "Every word of Chairman Mao is like ten thousand words, and represents the truth universal and absolute. " He said: "Each word means a word is itself the supreme achievement of a man. It is not humanly possible for a word equivalent to ten thousand. "

Does it make sense to say "word of man? Yes Swear by God? Also, it depends how it's done. "Promising young voting "poverty, chastity and perpetual obedience," to devote himself to the will of God? Lot. Do you promise loyalty to superiors, the President of the Republic, the Constitution and laws? Of course! Nothing makes more sense than the loyalty of the martyrs for confessing Jesus died as the importance of his reason for living.

Posted in Christ for the Fourth Millennium. Seven stories from twenty-one articles , San Pablo, Santiago, 2001.


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