Wednesday, April 5, 2006

21st Birthday Event Name

Christmas fantasy

At first glance, the Gospel accounts of "incarnation" and "birth" of the Son of God faith unnecessarily complicated. What evangelicals have forced us to admit facts that reason can not recognize? Would have sufficed to tell the story of a very man, Jesus, whom God identified until the end. Is not this enough? "Such stories add something really new?

course tell new things! Considered routine appalling that devours us, something the Evangelists never forgive: his bad memory and laziness. What would have cost us know how it was Jesus, the color of his eyes, his eyes, who taught him to read, when he learned make love, where. Jesus is pure novelty, inspiration perennial, any information we would have refreshed his life ... Although who knows little or much we know we usually encode. No. No delirious

authors of the sacred books to describe the origins of life. Important facts, great, comparable to the creation of the world and the resurrection of Jesus himself. If anyone can explain fully why the alpacas stand or who recruited bees to pollinate orchards, none were to tell us about the virginal conception. Like the beginning of the fifty billion galaxies, similar to how life springs from the other side of death, also the "incarnation" exceeds the human mind. Only the imagination and lots of art can express their tremendous significance. As young children who like to giftwrap almost more than the gifts themselves, these days we also enjoyed the chapters of Luke, Matthew ... a wonderful message wrappers, original and so disconcerting: the Almighty is present between us as a "todomenesteroso" poorly capitalized, a god with a small, fallible, tender, close, unable to scare anyone, eager for that other body that harbors. So, carefully, slowly, sharing our tears, erupts between us love in person.

is God himself who has something to say. First you learn to talk. It's a different God, a human God, the only true, not an idol, a ventriloquist puppet. Jesus has nothing to teach while his mother taught him to talk. For now, all is silence ... Lie! And speech. How to rule the way of the message content? This delicate and lengthy preamble, that conversation heart to heart, forbid, the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary is now already substantial, extraordinary novelty among so many interests that prevail disguising of reasons. Jesus, the divine Word child shines in the darkness of so many words addled.

The authority collects child: cries of hunger, like the heat, feels the love ... guess their courses. The child will have something to say, still do not know why. When the pain of poor Galileans you twist the heart, balbucirá: "No". Having borne the pain of women and sick, military and wealthy, oppressed and excluded for breach of Jewish law, will rebel against the religion of his time. A man, a God! who rebels against religion. This boy will open a new path. Act in conscience know the lonely, the enemies ... Its basic charter is mercy. After him, nobody will true "authority" rather than due to love and to amend the law according to the demands of charity. This is freedom, the supreme gift of the Spirit! For our freedom bet your life. Until birth, the world has lived under threat of sticks, jaws and exile, condemned to fear and death. Bethlehem on, freedom is not a concession by the powerful, but the origin of all standards and to all behavior. Since then it is possible the ethics of mercy, therefore we can not imagine.

Come, Lord Jesus! Bring creativity in bulk, the creativity of your parables and poetry of your comparisons. Changes! We changes, many changes! If we were able to abolish slavery, which seemed so natural, do not we invent ingenious solutions for those who fail in their marriage? I say forgive but not forget. Shame! Give us faith to believe we do forgive. Believe with us that order of forgiveness that we outline in the dark. Dissipated sclerosis of the soul, flexibilĂ­zanos. Us out once and for all of the Middle Ages.

Come, Lord Jesus! There is so much violence in our media! Not even necessary to come to our stadiums. Woe to write against capitalism! If even the politicians are left to quiet dissent. Instead the Pope's sentiments are invoked as arguments of reason. If you use to you, how we will not do with the Pope! Appearance of communication, simulation of paternity, manipulation of public opinion, this is what's left. Social distortions abound. Lack open debate, respectful, right to be wrong and to rectify ... It is necessary to your love of truth, miss you, you speak directly, without loopholes, dialogue, vulnerable to the penalties of others, open to change their minds. Blessed

evangelists! His Christmas stories of God's creativity rescue threatened more than ever. How otherwise would have known that Jesus is the sweetest word of mercy that the miserable human history? Life is getting too heavy, we see little lights. Work too, enjoyed less and less. Two things I ask again: mercy and inventing new ideas for mercy. A third thing for me and that's enough, bring us fancy, that is not enough neither reason nor force. Fantasy want. You have it, you the are. I hope, sir!
Posted in Christ for the Fourth Millennium. Seven stories from twenty-one articles , San Pablo, Santiago, 2001.


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